Sunday, September 4, 2022


I ran across this meme and thought it was so prophetic. 
Having trouble with prayer continues to be a trial for me.
Oh, I thank Him, ask things of Him
I don't know how to just unburden myself. 

And, then there's Mediation. 
I was one cautious dude even thinking about Mediation. 
But, I found out that it did not have to be like it's protrayed so many times.
You know....
Sitting on the floor for hours, legs cross, humming some sort of mantra.

I found that Mediation in a simple form can soothe a ruffled emotion, an anger raging inside, a need to feel peace in the midst of life's trials (and Lord, there are so many)

I sit in my Mother's old rocker, close my eyes, listen to some very quiet 'meditation' music and just let myself be swallowed up by just being, feeling, not worrying, not thinking but letting God put a peace in my heart. 



  1. It's a good saying. I'm not good at meditating - but I know that when I used to go on 'silent' retreats, it felt this way.

  2. Hi Lutane~ Thank you for visiting my little space in, blog land, it's always so fun to meet a new friend! I love that quote! I am exactly like you, I don't "unburden" myself, and I know that would bring me much peace. I usually pray for everyone but me...and we need to pray for ourselves as well as others. I'm definitely going to, re-visit meditation. Have a wonderful, Labor Day! Barb

  3. Meditating sounds peaceful to me. I pray too, which sometimes is stressful when I start thinking of all that are in need of prayer. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. These are good ways to help still our minds when there's so many negative things that try to get in. Thanks for your thoughts of this!


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