Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Where to Have Lunch?

It's a lovely day in my neighborhood!

How about where you are?

I think it's always a lovely day if I am breathing, healthy and happy

and today is one of those days.

Nothing much going on around here. It rained last night, I had a meeting of the welcoming committee this morning, and now I am ready for lunch.

Gee, let's see... where will I go to eat?

I have so many choices right here within two blocks of my apartment.

Ruby Tuesday? Maybe

Jimmy Johns. No

Santa Fe (Mexican). Not today

Masons' Grill. Maybe

and then there are the fast-food places. Burger King, Wendy's, Bojangles, Taco Bell.

So many choices.

But, I feel blessed to have so many to choose from without having to drive far. 

Where would you like to have lunch today?

Come on... I'll wait on you. 



  1. Well that would be fun. I'd choose Taco Bell if they have a crunch wrap. 🧋

  2. Hello! It is rainy and cozy here. I'd go for a big bowl of soup!

  3. It was a beautiful day here - sunshine and perfect temps.
    I'll have mexican!

  4. What a great optimistic post, Latane, and since the weather has finally cooled down, it would be Mexican for me. Let us know know your choice.

  5. We went to The Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch on Sunday. SO good!

  6. Such fun to have all those choices!!!

    🍁🍁🍁 🍁🍁🍁 🍁🍁🍁

  7. I'm a rare bird because I don't really like to go to restaurants. Ordering food in yes. I'm most comfortable at home.
    It's a lovely Autumn day here with not a cloud in the sky. I finished decorating for the season this morning!! Granny Marigold


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.