Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Crow and the Mocking Bird

             Sometimes you just get entertained without even trying! 

I was sitting on my balcony watching a mocking bird which was stretching his feathers to get some sun. He was atop the street light across the driveway. 

All of a sudden here comes a big black crow and just shoved that mocking bird off it's perch. 

Made that mocking bird madder than an old wet hen. So, he started dive-bombing the crow. He wasn't successful in making that crow move but he sure did pester the heck outta him. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Making Fascinators for the Kentucky Derby

 Man, I was one tired punkin last night. I had quite a day. Dau. Shirley has been heading up our activities on a volunteer basis since the office manager here at Centerbrooke wasn't available. We have a new office manager now but this big to-do was already in the works.

We are having a BIG Kentucky Derby Party next Saturday. So, of course we gals have to have our fancy hats to wear. Yesterday was a brunch followed by a session of us making our own 'fascinators' to wear. I tell you, we have some creative people. We had so much fun. Everyone just loved it! 

This is just some of the supplies we had to work from. 

Here is part of the group busy constructing hats to fit their own personalities. That's Shirley (the second one seated at the table) helping the other Shirley decided what to put on her hat. 

I loved the purple and yellow that Shirley decorated her hat with. But, then I am partial to purple. 

Teresa went with purple and red roses with a big fluff of netting to top her's off. She looks pretty pleased, don't you think?

Loretta has a ton of health issues so it was nice to see her attend. Just look at that hat she made all by herself! We will soon lose her here at Centerbrooke since she will be moving into an assisted living place. She just can't make it without help now. She's very talented and a sweet lady. 

I love Evelyn's hat. And, I just love Evelyn. She is such a sweet person and I always feel great just being around her. She wears those cute little over the ear pigtails fastened off with barrettes. I asked her  many barrettes she has and she said she used to have about a hundred but had given them all away except for this pair. She's been looking for some more so I got online and tried to find her some. I found it difficult. But, maybe I did find one set of 4 pair that might work. We'll see. 

Our brunch at 10 proceeded our hat making. Our new staff member furnished that! 

and here is our new staff. Jamilynn! 

Any of you gonna watch the Derby? Get out your hat and join in the fun wherever you are! 

Oh, I forgot to tell you....

After we were finished around 1:30 Shirley and I went to Burger King. That brunch food we ate was long gone by then. Guess we worked it off. 😉

It was 4:30 when we finally peeled ourselves off our chairs in that place and headed home. She's been gone a week so we had a lot of catching up to do. 
So, yes. I was tired, my feet were swollen but I felt great. 
I'd been with my daughter... and my friends. Nothing can beat that. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Good News on the Alzheimers front

 I just got my newsletter from AARP and was thrilled to see an article about Alzheimers. Seems they have a new blood test that has proved to be 90% effective in detecting Alzheimers. I know my children are thrilled about this, as am I.

Elbert (on the right with two of our children)

You see, their active, fun-loving, joke-telling Dad got Alzheimers. That was determined in 2001. He was 71 years old. 

We'd just moved to Virginia to be closer to our children and I had this vision of him and me just sitting on the porch holding hands, watching the sunset until we both were so old we had to pass on to another life. 

My vision which changed drastically

That vision became a nightmare. I cared for him for 10 1/2 years. He forgot who his family was, he tried to 'go home' more often than I want to admit. He thought he was still in the Navy and was AWOL because he wasn't on the ship. He fell so often I couldn't be out of his sight. 

He could still fit in his old uniform and he still knew how to salute. 2007

My children worried about getting Alzheimers, especially my son. So, this is great news .... that research is making great strides in detecting it. Now, if they could just figure out how to cure it! 

2009 just over one year before he was gone. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dancing to a SLOW tune these days!!

I'll swear, I don't know what's to become of me!!

There's so much I want to do and my energy level has reached it's 'Best if used by' date. 

I have been cleaning and organizing my office closet the last few days. 

What! it takes days...

I remember when I  could whip that chore out in a couple hours. 

Anyway, this body of mine is slowing down. Guess it's about time! 

I played Bingo Saturday afternoon. We residents are thrilled that Bingo is back on the schedule. We've played twice now and I didn't win either time. I should pout... but I won't. I'm too happy having fun. 

On Sunday we met to say goodbye to two of our resident/friends. We had the biggest array of desserts you ever saw. 

Lisa's husband and his best friend bet her ten dollars each that she couldn't bake a 12 layer cake for the event. She did and it was quite the show-piece. She donated her bet winnings to the two that were departing. 

It's turned off cold again here, if you can believe that! The temps got low enough last night to just about have a freeze warning. I brought my plants inside so they'd be safe! 

I need to catch up on checking out all of your blogs. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!! 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

A Long Weekend Get-away!

 I got back late Monday and here it is Wednesday. Yesterday was kind of lost, if you know what I mean! 

Had a wonderful, relaxing long weekend at the beach. A two-bedroom condo with a nice, large balcony overlooking the shoreline. I practiced making selfies. 

We had so much fun watching the waves, the pelicans and gulls, the children looking for seashells. 

I enjoyed watching a dog prancing along on a leash, then as he was released he ran into the water and played. They walked on out of sight.... not long after, here they came, man tugging on the leash and the dog definately not wanting to head back to the condo. 

We ate out one night at Mulligans. Of course, I had scallops, my favorite seafood. 

Our last night we spent on the balcony with sandwiches, a cheese plate and glasses of wine. 

                              And, then, darn, just like it always does, it's time to go home!! 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Sun, the Moon and a Convertible

 One day Shirley and I were out tooling around when we stopped at the Visitors Center here in Suffolk. Sitting next door was this gorgeous old convertible. It looked lonesome. I sure wish I'd had a key... it wouldn't be lonesome anymore!!! Don't you think I dressed the part. We even match

We had an eclipse today... guess you did too wherever you are.
I didn't have the viewing glasses so no pics. But, I thought I'd post a picture I took some time back of the moon rising over the pine trees near my apartment. 

My crazy Christmas cactus is blooming again. It doesn't know what season it is anymore than the weatherman does!! 

I am happy to report that since my daughter gave me the subscription to MasterClass online I have seen and learned a lot from over 22 hours of instruction so far. Everything from Gut Health, Writing and Cooking. I have a ton more to watch yet. They give you workbooks and instruction books with most of the classes. I'm enjoying it all so much. 

Today I started watching Alice Waters (restauranteur, cookbook writer, etc, etc). One class was on how to shop for the best produce at Farmer Markets. Now, I can't wait to go to one to try out my new skills. 

Here's a picture from 2013 of me in the Farmer's Market in Smithfield, Va. 

Have a fabulous week. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

A Rose is a Rose!!

 I got another beautiful bouquet from my daughter Susan. She signed up for one of those 'Once a Month' deals. I'm loving it but I hope I have convinced her that she should stop. Flowers are so expensive. Well, isn't everything and anything these days. Price of groceries are up about 35%-50% from 2020. Eating out is ridiculous. Gas is high, flight is high, Oh.. I will shut now about this now!! 

And, back to the flowers. This month it was a dozen roses, grown in Ecuador. I see a difference in those from what's grown here. Stems much longer, stronger, the blossoms last longer and there a nice aroma to these. 

Just look at this beauty!

and this one....

I love flowers, never was much of a grower myself. But, I love that other people grow them so I can enjoy them. 

Have a wonderful weekend!! 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Good News On April Fool's Day

                            This isn't an April Fool joke and boy, am I thankful for that!

Went for my annual mammogram this morning, the first following my lumpectomy and radiation. 

                                    The radiologist pronounced it as perfect

                            Talk about being given a gift. And, a new lease on life. 


For the first time since I moved to Virginia back in 1999, the family didn't get together for Easter. I decided I'd treat myself to a scrumptious breakfast. Made myself a Mexican-style Monte Cristo sandwich. I mean, if you don't treat yourself well, who the heck is?                                                      

It's topped with pepper jelly that my granddaughter sells from her company Sugar and Bice. 

Then I just acted lazy the rest of the day.

So happy I can do that if I want to! 

My son says that at age 90 I can do whatever the heck I want. Love that boy!