Sunday, July 31, 2022
Go Fly A Kite
Thursday, July 28, 2022
My Week # 4
It's been hotter than....
Well, you get the picture!
But, I've been busy this week. Monday, even if the temperature was around 100, Santa came to the Commons to pay us a visit. Just a photo op sort of thing. And, he was dressed for the season, too. SUMMERTIME!
Hope everyone is staying cool as they can. I went out for lunch to a Mexican restaurant that's just a block from my apartment for lunch today and the steering wheel about burned blisters on my hands! I made it there and back without damage, though, thank goodness. And breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I walked back into my air-conditioning!!
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Vertigo and Other Things
My daughter and I went to the Monday matinee to see "Where The Crawdads Sing". It did not disappoint! I loved the book, I loved the movie!
But, I do have to ask myself if it was movement on that huge screen that got my balance 'unbalanced' for it was just hours after I got back home that the walls in my apartment started wiggling and swimming. Who knows? I sure don't.
But, on to other things! .......
I am in the process of putting together an 'abridged' version of our lineage for my children. I hope I get it done so I can give it to them for Christmas. Genealogy has held me captive for over 40 years... Every time I think I will give it up, it grabs me again. Of course, doing a DNA test with Ancestry got the juices flowing again. It's all so fascinating. How many of you do genealogy? Have you had a DNA test done?
I got up at 7 this morning, got my shower and a cup of hot chocolate... I know, you are saying HOT CHOCOLATE in the middle of this extreme heat... but I had a hankering for some so I did it. Took my cup and the book I am currently reading and headed to the balcony. (I'm reading Nora Roberts 'Sea Swept'). It was so peaceful... a slight breeze, the sun not blistering yet as I was in the shade.
I watched the osprey leave the nest for what I thought was breakfast. A few minutes later I saw him come in with breakfast for his mate. Bless his 'little pea-picking' heart.. he takes care of her.
Hope you all had a great week just past and that your week coming up will be even better. I sure hope mine is!! Tootle Doo,
Friday, July 15, 2022
My Week # 3
Looking Out My Window.... I see a food truck. I've already been down to check it out. Wasn't sure what to order but I'd been craving a hotdog lately so that's what I got. Maybe I'll try their Korean fare at another time.
Monday, July 11, 2022
My Perfect View
I went to the community room this morning to attend our 'church' service. Several mentioned to me that they were envious of the view I have from my apartment. It's true!! I have the best apartment in the place. Of course, that's my opinion but I think some of the other residents agree.
I take pictures and post them on facebook, Instagram and on this blog. So, you may have seen some of these at one or all of these places before but I just wanted to share 'my view'!
Friday, July 8, 2022
My Week In a Nutshell #2
Looking Out My Window.... I see a cloudy sky. We are supposed to have some thunderstorms today. Had some yesterday and will again tomorrow. We need the rain so I won't complain. (Oh, I made a rhyme! 😁) The heron comes and tries to catch his dinner. Sometimes he preens himself.
A Treat for myself this week was.... a beautiful bouquet that I picked up at the grocers last Sunday. I have enjoyed it's presence all week, just sitting there making me happy all week.
What I'm Watching.... on Discovery+ I found a series called 'Back in Time for Dinner', filmed several years ago in Canada. It features one family (husband, wife, 2 teenage girls, 1 teenage boy) who live through what it was like in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.
The house was completely decorated for each time decor. They had to dress and act like they were really living during that decade. The food cooked, no tv, no cell phone etc (until later), games played, oh the outfits they wore made me say, 'I wore that!' As she entered each decade the wife walked into her retro kitchen with one question "Do I get a dishwasher yet?"
It was a lot of fun reliving those times through watching it happen on 'Back in Time for Dinner'.
Something fun this week.... if you remember from a couple posts back how I had fun with my doll, Aaron, while my grown children were here... all in good fun!
We have coffee time down in the community room every morning here at the Commons. A place to drink some jo, gossip a bit, catch up with friends. I took Aaron down with me yesterday and he was a huge hit! I'm gonna have to keep my eye on Aaron, there were a couple gals who might have snuck him away!
That's it for this morning..... tootle-doo!
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Wisdom Wednesday #1
(every 1st Wed. of each month)
We women are born givers. We care for, we dry tears, wipe bottoms, cook meals, lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, support and love our husbands, listen to the children's cries and joys, tell goodnight stories, go to PTA, ballgames and dance recitals. We care for those sick, those in need, those with broken hearts and broken bodies. That's just what we do!
It took me a long time to realize that I deserved and needed to be cared for and nurtured as well. It's hard to let go of 'how we think we should be, to become who we are'. That wonderful woman you've been to others you now need to be for yourself. Take care of yourself. Take time, be selfish, don't feel guilty. You deserve it!
Our Role in Life
fun with grandchildren cooking a loving mother
Monday, July 4, 2022
Playing With Dolls
Happy Fourth of July to all my American friends and family
Today I'd like to tell you a story.
You see, some 30 years ago I made a few porcelain dolls (the porcelain parts were already molded but I had to do all the rest). I had 2 granddaughters and they were each gifted with a doll.
I am not talking youngsters here. Susan will be 60 next birth-day, and she is scared of my sweet little doll!
I had moved the doll from the room where Michael was staying and put it in the other guest room. After Susan arrives, she starts to bed in that 'other guest room'. Here she comes with that doll, holding it like it's hot as a baked 'tater. So, I take Aaron in my arms and hold him, cooing to him just like he's a baby.... just to tease them.
When Susan goes into the bathroom before going to bed, Michael sneaks into her room and lies Aaron on her pillow. We wait... then we hear the shriek! And, here she comes again, holding that doll at arms length. Michael and I are dying laughing. I don't know when I have laughed so much and so hard. It was worth it for that reason alone.
3 days later, Susan and Michael are getting into his car so he can take her to the airport. I always stand on my balcony to wave goodbye. I holler to get Susan's attention. There I am holding Aaron and making his little arm go up and down waving goodbye to Susan. Another shriek! And, again, Michael and I crack up laughing.
It may not sound so funny to you but it was just the best ever! Sixty-year-olds and an 88 year-old playing with dolls. haha
Friday, July 1, 2022
Friday Day Log
I have seen some blogs who do a 'day log' ? totally the wrong name but I can't think of it right now. Anyway, I liked the idea so I tweeked it a bit and decided that each Friday would be my 'day log' day.
Looking Out My Window.... I see a large pot of mini sunflowers that I can't seem to keep watered enough. They are wilted again this early in the morning!
I Am Thinking About.... how I am slowly getting back to my normal schedule after a month of busy, busy, busy!
I Am Grateful.... that my visiting children got back home safely after a 'visit to Mama's'.
I Am Writing... need to get back to that novel I am working on. A month-long hiatus! It's a book #2 of the Springtime series.
How I'm Feeling.... more rested, raring to go this morning. Wonder how long that feeling will last?😁
What I'm Reading... I'm 2/3 of the way through The Venice Sketchbook. It's a delightful book and I am enjoying it.
What I'm Watching.... Jeopardy. Have for years, love it when I know the answer. And, hey, it's helping keep this old mind of mine sharper. Not too sure who I like as host.... just saying.... Alex can't be replaced.
That's it for this morning..... tootle-doo!