Monday, September 12, 2022

Yellow Flowers and Clouds Floating By

                                   Sundays are hard for me. 

Not sure why since one day isn't much different than another one anymore but there is just something sad in me on Sundays. Church alone, eating lunch out alone, sitting around the apartment alone. My family is always so busy on Sundays with their own brood and there are no activities here at Centerbrooke on the weekends.

I sat out on my balcony late yesterday afternoon enjoying the cool breeze, the yellow flowers blooming here and there around the pond, clouds floating lazily by. 

                    But, hey, it's Monday and a new day now. 

Today I get back to tackling this durn new computer. It's kicking my butt. 

My Family Tree Maker program wasn't recognized by Windows 11 so I downloaded a new version of FTM and when it was installed it is a gosh awful mess. 

                I'm getting too old for all this aggreviation! 


However, I thank God for life, for being healthy, for just getting up every morning. I don't mean to complain for I have so much. But, sometimes, a gal's just gotta get it outta her system! Thanks for listening. 


  1. Right. I get it. Happy to "listen." Have a great week!

  2. I hear you about technology. I want it to remain as I have known it so I don't have to figure out the new operating system, but I know that is not to be. I taught technology in an inner city high school for 21 years, starting with electric typewriters all the way to laptops and cell phones, I've handled it all, but it aggravates me. I love Apple products because they are much more intuitive, and if something just can't function for me, I can go to the Apple store and their wonderful genius will kindly show me what to do. Hope you have a great week.

  3. We all feel that way. I always thought Sunday afternoons was a 'down' time for me even when I was younger. Enjoy your Monday!

  4. It does help to vent, doesn't it?!

  5. Glad to be part of the "pity party" over here. Sometimes you just need to say it out loud (or type it in CAPS!)

  6. You go right ahead, my friend. There is something about Sundays that seem melancholy to me. But I am in awe of your computer skills! My kids have to do everything for me!

  7. Sometimes just saying it makes you feel better.
    The pictures you've taken are beautiful. I LOVE the yellow blooms.

  8. There's a song about that.....'There's just something about a Sunday makes a body feel alone....'I'm pretty sure it's a country song....

  9. I feel the same way about Sundays but, like you, it shouldn’t make any difference because one day is pretty much like the other. Still, I can feel it. On the other hand, my favorite day of the week is Monday. That’s a big change from when I was working.

  10. I have those feelings too. You are not alone. For me it's in the early mornings. Hang in there. That's what so nice about this blog space. We can be there to keep each other company! I hope you are having a nice week!! And I too am in awe of your computer skills. Many days I want to toss mine out the window! : )


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.