Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Difference Between Solitude and Loneliness!

My daughter Shirley is a people person!
She has to have daily contact, lots of chatting, going places, doing things. She wears me out! haha
Me.... I tend to be a loner!
I can spend days all by myself just having a grand ole time. 

So, of course, she's always encouraging me to get out, go to lunch with friends etc. And, I butt heads with her telling her I am fine! 

So, I wrote down my thoughts of the difference in our personalities, our needs, the way we see our lives. Here it is. 

 "There's a difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is a part of you that needs people around you, somewhere to go, noise, activity. When you don't have that, you feel deserted. Solitude is being ok to be alone. It's being comfortable in your own skin, being your own best friend, knowing that you are good enough - all by yourself." (WLBarton)

Friday, February 7, 2025

Time for a 'smell good' change!

When it's wintertime we often get 'down in the dumps'. So, what would get us outta this funk?
Buying something new.... just for us! RIGHT!

I got online and ordered me some new perfume. It's actually cologne (a bit cheaper that way).

It came yesterday and I ripped open that box, opened the containers and started spraying myself. 

Charlie went on one arm!
Elizabeth Taylor's Gardenia on the other! 

I immediately felt fancy, feminine, free. UH? Where did that funk go? 
Chased away by the delicious aromas surrounding me, that's where. 

I was getting low on my 'smell good' fragrances. One was Estee Lauder's Beautiful and the other was La Roche's Femme. 

My sweet husband brought a bottle of Femme to me on his return from a Navy cruise in the Carribean years ago. It always brought back such sweet memories for me. But, time for a change, I am thinking. 
The reason for me getting the Gardenia? I am Southern through and through and if there is a southern flower that everyone loves it's gardenias. Just thought I'd play a bit on my southern roots there, play the southern damsel dabbling cologne behind her ears. A gentleman two doors down from me has a potted gardenia bush outside his door and when it's blooming I will stop and sniff the  blossoms every time I pass by. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A Love Affair With Paris

 I'd gotten pretty discouraged and down-in-the-dumps over all this dental work and was in a pretty low place the other day. As she always does, Shirley was attempting to pull me up outta that hole.

She says 'now, you can't say you're too old, you can't or you aren't able.' Okay I answer.

'Where would you love to go if you want to?' 

Well, that's a no-brainer!

I  said. 

You see, my love affair with Paris started back in 1985 when Susan (who had started modeling in New York) needed to go to Paris to get work for her portfolio. It's the dead of winter, there's one way air tickets to Brussels for $99. Remember those days!!! So, we took off. We'd never been to Europe before so this was quite an adventure.

We land at the Brussels airport after having flown what seemed like all night. People milling about the plane cabin, no sleep ... besides we were filled with excitement and anticipation. Had a couple hours wait 'til the train took off for Paris. 

It's nearly nightime by the time we got to our hotel (by their time zone). We walked into the door, no reservations (boy, were we naive) but he did have a room. We lugged our baggage up a black wrought iron staircase, down a long, dark hall and was shown into a room which I would describe as a cabin in the woods kind of establishment. Wooden single beds covered in those old scratchy woolen like blankets, (sort of like what you'd throw over a horse), We had a large wardrobe, a chair, a phone on the wall and that was about it.

I'd been so proud of myself for having bought a Frommer book 'See Europe on $5 a day' or some such thing. Picked a hotel out of it's pages 'cause it advertised that the staff spoke English (a definate requirement). And, here we are stuck in a place that is like a hostel. The one bathroom for the entire floor was down the hall. 

We are so exhausted we didn't care! We lay down on the hard beds, pulled that scratchy blanket over us and realize that these French people don't heat these places very well. So, I pile our coats and anything else I could find over us and we fell asleep.

Well, nature called in the middle of the night so I get up and head down that long hallway to find the bathroom. I feel around for the light switch.... it's a knob that you turn but it gave me a bit of light. I'm sitting there taking care of business shivering... the dang window is up near the ceiling and it's open. Did I say it was January? About that time the room turns pitch-dark. That 'knob' was a timer for the lights. The French are cheapskates, too. I do make it back to the room safely.

And, Susan is sitting up in her bed so I said 'Susan?'. No answer. I call her again. Nothing. I shake her shoulder, no response. She is sound asleep. So, I just pushed her back on the pillow and she slept right on. 

I guess you are scratching your head about now... how was this part of a love affair with Paris. Doesn't sound like it to me, does it you? But, it was.... We had just gotten there and there was so much more to come. 

By then I was busy thinking about Paris and what I'd do if I could go back. Yes, I am too old! At least I think I am. But, it pulled me partway outta that hole i'd dug for myself. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Snowflakes and Ground Hogs.

 Feb. 2nd... Groundhog Day, they say. Don't know where that tradition started or why. I just know that I don't believe that an animal who is too stupid to get out of the middle of the highway when a car is gonna crush it, is smart enough to predict the weather! 

So, P. Phil (can't spell the name of that town in Pennsylvania where this groundhog lives) says there's going to be more winter. Well, heck, I could have told you that and I'm not a groundhog!

So, prepare yourselves if you are living in wintertime right now, don't pack up your coats and mittens just yet. 

                    Speaking of snowflakes!

Shirley led a snowflake decorating class here at the Commons for about a dozen of us eager beavers!
We decorated snakeflake and frosty the snowman cookies. Every one had a great time. One participant ate all of his cookies after he decorated them! He left no evidence behind! 

For those of you following my dental disasters!
I go Tuesday to have my bridge reglued, again! 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Doing Some Rambling!

 If you follow me you know that the past 2 months have been filled with dental work. 7 visits so far in two months time and there's more on the schedule. Guess my teeth decided it was time to call it quits! 

Tuesday I was sitting in the dentist chair while she did the last segment of a root canal. I'm thinking that I am more than thrilled to be over with that part of it and then she drops a bombshell on me. She's found another tooth which has to have a root canal! Good Lord, when is all this going to stop!

I really enjoyed reading your comments you posted about recalling the good ole days! I'm so happy you took the time to respond to that. Seems that most of us had some cool memories of those long gone days. Although we lived in different places, in different parts of the country, at different times we all had these really neat things that we recall from our childhood.

I did not want to get out of bed this morning!! So, I just snuggled down deeper under the covers trying to convince myself I really should start my day. I find that it's so much easier to make excuses for not getting out of bed (now that I'm older). Do, you ever do that? 

I feel so badly for those poor families who expected their loved ones to come home from Kansas City the other night. Such a tragedy and one I feel could have been prevented. I just don't like to fly anymore. Yet, my kids tell me all the time, 'It's safer than being on the highway, Mom'. I know that! But, I can choose not to like to fly if I don't feel comfortable with it. Right? 

Yes, I know.... I am rambling.... will try to have my act together next time I post. I certainly hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to catch up with the latest! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Good Ole Days!! haha

 Last Thursday a bunch of us met in the Common room for a gab-fest (we call our gathering 'Chat and Chew") and some lunch. We brown-bag it and then just visit. 

We got to talking about how much life has changed in our lifetime. Oh, my gosh. Well, just look around you and you'll get the picture. It was more than fun to relive some of those old days although I am not sure I'd want to go back to them. 

Mom didn't have a telephone 'til after I had married and left home. Being out in the country had it's challenges for sure. We could see one house... and they didn't have a phone either! Imagine now we just carry our phones in our pockets or hands wherever we go.

I was in my teens before we ever got an indoor toliet. I definately do not want to go back to the outdoor kind! Nor the Sear, Roebuck catalog toliet paper!

from the internet

I was eighteen when I took my first plane ride and I was scared to get out of my seat.  How, stupid is that! But, hey, I was a country girl and knew nothing about flying! It was a propeller driven plane. The first commercial jet came into service in 1952, the year I flew to San Diego from Alabama with my 3 month old daughter in tow.

from the internet

We lived with my grandmother and grandpa and I remember my grandmother walking through some of the weed-grown fields near the house, her apron tail gathered in her hand so she could place in it the eggs the hens had laid out there, just anywhere they pleased. 

Everyone had their own tales but me being the oldest at the chat and chew, I think mine were the most shocking. 

Did any of you have things happening like that when you were growing up? Nah, probably not. I'm older than the hills, I am. 

I am sure by the time all you youngsters (and that includes anyone 85 and under) you came along, you had it easier!! 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

What Came Over Me!!

I am not sure where that spurt of energy came from but I have been so busy today. I usually start 
'wilting' around 3 in the afternoon and don't get much done after that time. I wish I had this level of get up and go every day!

I'm a southern gal. I am not sure that this is a southern thing or  not but I just will not eat that 'sloppy' mac and cheese made on the stovetop. I eat mine baked like my Mama used to make.This morning I  found a small portion of elbow macaroni in a mason jar in the pantry. And, I knew I had cheese in the fridge. Only thing, the cheese was Colby (that's my favorite) and it's milder so my mac and cheese didn't have as much punch as if I'd had sharp cheese. But, I added some chopped onion and a heavy dash of paprika to my egg/milk mixture before I mixed it  all together to bake. 

Sure, I had me some soon as it cooled enough to eat. 

I made me some jello, too. Now, I haven't made jello in a coon's age but in my pantry search this morning I found one box of strawberry. Just happened to have a banana that was eatable but too ripe for my taste in a sandwich. I sliced that up, added it to the jello, stirred in some unflavored greek yogurt and it turned out good.

Yes, I know!!! There are little chunks of yogurt that didn't get mixed into the jello correctly but it's just me eating it so I really didn't care. When you live alone, you aren't out to impress anyone but yourself and if what you do is fine with you then that's a good impression! 
Don't you agree? 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Mystery Solved!

 Yesterday the temps started to drop. It was Sunday, gray skies, a slight drizzle so I decided I'd just be a lazy bum. 

I walked into my bedroom, retrieved a large throw outta a basket there. This throw is LARGE and it's fluffy on one side and soft, cuddly on the other. It is wired for heat and even has, now get this.... two large pockets on one end so you can stick your feet into them. A nice gift at Christmas from Susan.

I sat down in my recliner, pulled that throw up over me, stretched out my legs to put my feet in the footy pockets...

I felt something solid... firm... a chunk of something.

TA DA............

It was that lost shoe!! Oh my gosh. Well, at least now I can wear that pair again! 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Lost, not found

                                        Update on Lost Shoe Saga!

                                             It's still lost!

There have been 4 different people that have given this place a good search. No shoe! This is weird. Gee, I hope I don't just disappear into thin air like that shoe did! 

We still have a tad of snow in shady areas from the snow that we had a week ago. And, it's supposed to be bitterly cold next week! Guess it won't melt then either! 

We had a safety meeting the other day given by the police department. That was very informative. I learned some new things to implement and be on the lookout for. I certainly will be watching out for 'Mr. Right' to call me with promises of undying love..... if I will just send him some money! haha

My daughter called the other day. We exchanged greetings and she headed off on a report of all she had been doing lately. Twenty minutes into it, she said, 'Well, I just called to check on you.' then said goodbye. So, if I answer the phone that means I am still alive and she's good to go? I just laughed and laughed. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Paint and Snow

 I was disappointed in awakening this morning to a light snow after being promised a bigger one! But, I'll take what I can get! There is just something so magical about snow! 

Last night, before the snow started, Shirley and I joined a bunch of the residents here at the Commons for a paint and sip. No wine.... just sparkling cider! Guess they don't want us old ladies to party too much. hehe. 

I'll tell you, those little teeny tiny pots of paint were hard to open, hard to use and my white one was nearly empty. I guess I just paint better at home with what
 I am familiar with. But, we both enjoyed it a lot. 

I just couldn't resist posting this what with the college football championship and the NFL super bowl just around the corner.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Lost Shoe!

                      My ghost Mabel is at it again !

 (when I can't find things, I blame it on a ghost that I have named Mabel)

January 1st I was sitting in my recliner waiting on my nieces to arrive and I slipped my shoes off. Man, I hate to wear shoes in the house! The Roomba was making a last minute attempt to vacumn the floor. 

The nieces arrive, we visit a bit and then head out for lunch. I start to slip my shoes on and there is only one sitting by my chair. A quick search... nothing... so I put on another pair and we have a nice lunch.

Here it is over a week later and I still have not found that shoe!

Both recliners have been turned over... no shoe. I ran my cane all under the couch and it didn't drag out anything...I've even looked in other rooms. That shoe has to be somewhere! My guess is, the Roomba pushed it in a hidden spot and then left it there. 

Shirley promises me she'll do a more indepth search when she is here Friday.

I'll let you know where we find it! .... if Mabel hasn't flown off into the night with it under her wing. 

                        My orchid is blooming again! 

and my crazy Christmas cactus has buds on it. Will share that when they open up. 

Y'all have a good one! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Milestone!

                       Yesterday I hit a milestone!

picture made in 2023 on my birthday

I celebrated my 91st birthday and I think that was quite an accomplishment! 

It was cold, rainy, sleety, snowy...

no way was I getting out in that so I stayed home, all by my lonesome, and had a great day!

Had lots of phone calls, text messages, facebook greetings and I even got a hug or two. 

Oh, I won't forget the beautiful flowers my granddaughter's family sent. She knows I love pink and carnations! 

I thought about my precious mother, newly widowed, giving birth to me and not a cent to her name. No plans for the future. All that had been linked to Daddy, who was now gone. It must have been a frightening time for her.

My Mom and Dad

But, we made it and just fine, I might add. And, here I am 91 years later! Gee whiz! So many blessings over the years, so many heartaches, too, but I love my life. 

I spent the day in reflection, in meditation, in looking forward....

Friday, January 3, 2025

End of Year Fun

 Okay, Ladies. I have no idea where to even begin! What a month December was. Full of family, fun, food and trips to the dentist. Can I lump all that together? I just did anyway. hehe.

The area where my abcess was is still touchy. I've been back to the dentist for a couple of fillings, go next Wednesday for the followup on the root canal...

Oh, heck, all of this is so boring....

So, I move on to more interesting stuff.

The day after Christmas my baby Susan (isn't it odd that we call them baby no matter how old they get!!) and her son, Tighe, who is my youngest grandchild, drove in from New York for a few days visit.  He is 17. I just loved every minute of it. 

We ate too much, lounged too much, visited a lot, slept too little, reminisced about old times, watched movies, played scrabble. Visited other family members, too. And, too soon, it was time for them to head home. 

I had one day to pull my act together, then two nieces and a nephew in law arrived for an afternoon visit. Hadn't seen them in quite some time so we had a good visit.

And, I kid you not. As much as I loved all the activities and visiting and such, the minute my nieces walked out the door I curled up in my recliner, covered myself with a soft blankie and watched tv til it was time to go to bed. Man, I was spent! 

I've had such little time to check in with all of you. I am going to be catching up in the days to come. I am sure there are lots of wonderful Christmas stories on your blogs that you've shared. 

                          Here's to a wonderful New Year!