Thursday, May 30, 2024

I am not a Gardener!!

 I have always loved flowers. Never was much of a hand at growing them, though. Right now I am trying to keep what few potted plants I have alive. 

I find that the potting soil you buy in the garden shop doesn't hold moisture at all. I am watering the basil and rosemary every single day and even then they look wilted by nightfall. Do you have that problem? Or is it just me? 

I do want to share some pretty blossoms I have seen lately. Just makes me so joyful to see the pretty colors. 

Next time I plant flowers in a pot I am going to try this tip. Looks like it might work on keeping the soil more moist for a longer period of time. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My Heart is Heavy

I learned over the weekend that a friend of mine had died. 

Sometimes, people you have never met can make such an impact on your life and you become friends forever. 

                                This was Sue Gray O'Grady for me.

Back in 2007 I started blogging. My blog was 'Our Journey Through Alzheimers' as I wrote about my husband and my struggle with that dreaded disease. Sue was an early follower and supporter. So, we've been there for each other over the years. I am going to miss her, wish we gals could have gotten together for a good visit, I just hope she knew how much I appreciated her. 

Go easy into that good night, my friend....

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day has gotten me thinking, remembering, wishing....

My husband spent over 22 years in the Navy, fought in Korea and Vietnam. He was a proud sailor, I was proud of him. And, thank God, he made it home.

So many of our military did not 'made it back'. But, they did go home to be with their buddies who gave their lives so that we might have freedom. 

People wish each other 'Happy Memorial Day'. Well, there is nothing happy about losing your life, about being the family left behind. I can not imagine the pain. It's not a time of celebration with barbeques, parties and such. It's a time to honor the sacrifice they all made. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Four-Leaf Clovers


I think I may have found one, maybe two, four-leaf clovers in my lifetime. Just never had any luck at that but I can say that I have had my share of luck (blessings, whatever you want to call it) without finding a thing. 

Do you ever stop and think about what kind of blessings have rained down on you? We just don't pay enough attention nor give enough thanks.

Just wanted to share this little poem with you today. I've had this poem for eons, read ever so often. Keeps me reminded that I don't have to find those four-leaf clovers to have showers of blessings fall on me every day. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Sleepover, then An Herb Thief!

Shirley and I just had a lovely 'late mother's day sleepover' with her daughter and son-in-law. We were supposed to do that a week earlier but bad weather changed our plans. It couldn't have worked out better. 

I find the Eastern Shore of Virginia to be very calming, peaceful, a good place to relax and rewind. We arrived at my granddaughters in time to just visit and then get ready for a belated Mother's Day dinner at the Yacht Club. What excellent food, what excellent company. It was great but no pictures inside. They don't like cellphones in the club. But, trust me. It was grand. 

The next morning Shirley and I had breakfast at the Coffee House in Cape Charles. Such a charming place, and the scrambled eggs were divine! 

We stopped at Baines Farm Market and bought strawberries fresh out of the field. In fact, we got the last of the morning's pickings. And, that's what I had for breakfast this morning. 

Coming across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel we saw a Navy ship and a submarine, both heading for home base. We always are thrilled to see our Navy boys wherever they are... I still miss our Navy days all these many years later. 

On another note: It has been bird nest building time around our apartment complex. I saw a crow gathering sticks for his nest one day. Managed to get his picture. 

No picture of this. and dang it, I wish I'd had my camera ready. But, I saw a starling sitting on the edge of the pot of rosemary on my balcony. He was breaking off limbs and carrying them back to his nest. Man, that's gonna be one good smelling next! 

A day or two later I saw a smaller bird breaking off stems from my pot of spearmint. Poor thing, it's one sided now. I did bring the spearmint inside. I left the rosemary outside and it is a bit smaller in size than it was.Oh heck, I  wasn't going to use all those herbs, anyway. Might as well share with my feathered friends. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Sadness Fills My Heart

 Life can sure throw you a curve ball when you least expect it.

Got word yesterday that a nephew had passed. And, I just gotta ask God... why! 

He was 64, healthy, vibrant, needed, talented, a really good guy. Both parents are gone so he and his sister live near each other on a hillside in Eastern Tennessee. They were big buddies and he helped her alot. Neither were married.

The sister drove up the lane to her house, saw his car sitting in the driveway as he was waiting on her to get home. He'd just taken a picture of an upcoming storm and sent it to her. He never got a chance to post it on facebook.... the cellphone dropped into his lap and he was gone. 

He was a talented musician, sort of a country-blues sort of music. He wrote songs, played several instruments, painted beautiful pictures, did wood-carvings, grew mushrooms, loved to garden and cook healthy dishes. I loved to listen to him play the harmonica. He was GOOD! 

He was a mountain man... loved the outdoors, was a spelunker (cave wanderer), worked as a smoke jumper in Alaska and out west in his earlier years.

I just don't understand it. And, I hurt, not only for everyone who loved him but especially for the sister he was so close to. She is gonna be lost. 

Just please say a prayer for this family. Thank you. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Them Camptown Races, do-da!!

 So much fun last Saturday night...

Don't tell me old folks don't know how to have fun!!

We had races...

One you rolled the die and moved your 'horse' how ever many dots your die had on it.  

There was one where you picked a winner for the Kentucky Derby and placed your choice in a cup... I didn't win.  

Then there was the Rollator/walker race. Some of these gals borrowed rollators to use. And, some definately use theirs all the time. The winners were always those more at a 'disadvantage' than the healthier one. It was a riot. 

Miss P won one of the rollator races.
You just got to know about Miss P. She is 92 years old, always dressed to the hilt, big jewelry, sparkly outfits, hats, and heels!! 
That woman outdid the rest of the gals and she was wearing stilletoes! I mean 4 or 5 inches high. Pointy toes, skinny little heels. We were scared to death she'd fall but she did just fine... and won one race. 

These two girls were so busy, as were several others, making sure the event ran smoothly. 
And, they are such fun to be around... I think you can tell that from this picture.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Derby Party Fun

The Kentucky Derby was run Saturday evening. For the first time,here at Centerbrooke, we had a Derby party. Wow, what fun. A whole slew of gals cooked and decorated, held games and took pictures.... we all had a blast! 

First I will entice you with the food.... 

Kentucky Bourbon Meatballs, Southern potato salad, Pimento cheese sandwiches, Kentucky pasta salad, fruit, cheese straws.... I know I've left stuff out. So hard to keep up with it all. For desert we ate Toasted Pecan Cupcakes and banana pudding. 

Oh good grief.... I thought I had more pictures of the food than just this one. I am sure there are a bunch of pics floating around....I just didn't get them. 

At our "meet and greet" Lois gave everyone virgin mint juleps. No alcohol allowed... oh well, Who needed it to have fun?

As we registered we were given a ticket which we then took to the betting table and dropped it in "OUR" horses cup. I chose Forever Young... wouldn't you know it.. when the race was run that horse came in 3rd. But, hey, it wasn't last!! 

Most of the women wore their fascinators (hats) and some of the men had on hats or bowties. And we sat around drinking our mint juleps and laughing and having a great time. 

I am sorry but I have to break this up into two or more posts. There was just so much going on! 
I'll be back soon with more Kentucky Derby Party fun.