Monday, March 23, 2020

Stretching the Truth and Our Legs

But, I guess you knew that already!

I haven't had the news on this morning to see where we are in this battle against Coronavirus.

I am sure it is far from over.

I was looking at my dear blogger friends post yesterday over at and she is busy reading "Grandma Gatewood's Walk".

I read that some time back and found it really amazing that this 67 year old woman would have the desire and fortitude to walk the entire Appalachian Trail ... alone at that. 

I have to tell you about the time I walked the Appalachian Trail.

My daughter and I were headed back to Virginia from Alabama and kept seeing a sign by the side of this mountainous road

She looked at me. I looked at her. We grinned at each other and she parked the car.
We got out, started up the trail, maybe walked 50 yards or so. 
Turned around and went back to the car.

When we got home we were bragging about having walked the Trail. 
Didn't tell them that we could still see the car the whole time.


  1. hahhaha, I think that was so funny! You DID walk it though! You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. so sorry about the above post. We are protecting EVERYONE by staying home....young and old. My dad was in the British army during WWII. He was 18 in 1940 when the war broke out in Europe. He was captured at Dunkirk and held in German prison camps for 4 years!! Had his ankle and jaw broken. My mom was a teen and her family was in Belgium. My 60yo Grandmother worked with the Belgium underground hiding American and British soldiers. Belgium was under German occupation. The war devastated their economy and they lived on rations. This virus is a cake walk compared to how others have sacrificed for the common good. We need to distance ourselves and protect one another not rip each other apart. I've heard that our children expect everything to be given to them and don't want to sacrifice. This is their moment to shine and think of others. Also, so funny about the Appalachian Trail story. We were camping in San Diego (35 years ago) and we walked the Pacific Coast Trail.....for about 1 mile. Have a blessed day. Patty McDonald

  3. Latane, looks like you got a nasty commenting above! Probably a Russian bot.
    I have walked some of the AT in younger years with a backpack. I can't recall how far. Once was with Girl Scouts in Shenandoah Nati

    1. ... Shenandoah National Park and another time in the White Mountains. Only short stretches though. Sorry about two entries. Hit something too soon and it posted.

  4. OOPS! Thought you were now moderating comments Latane - how did that disgusting one get through?


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