I run out of things to do...
Oh, let me rephrase that...

I run out of things I want to do.
There, that's more like it.
Some days I just don't want to move out of my chair.
Some days I do what I have to do.
I heard 'an expert' say on tv that we need to keep a schedule during this pandemic. What if you didn't have a schedule. You suppose to make one now?
There's just so many questions now. None that we have the answers to. This thing sure is a learning experience.
Stay well, my friends.
I have a schedule for bedtime and when I get up, drink my coffee and eat meals at about the same times. Other than that? Not much schedule around here. I will be happy to be able to get out when I want to again. Staying well is my goal and I pray the same for you. HUGS!
ReplyDeleteMy butt loves my chair, it's like I am padded with magnets and my chair is made of metal. Except my chair is big and comfy and old and I am in love with it. My husband and I are here with six of our kids, out of sixteen we only had four still at home, but two more moved in. One moved back, temporarily, because she lives with two of our other daughters in a house in town, one of them is a nurse in oncology, one an nurse practitioner in general practice, now being trained to work in the E.R., so....she didn't want to live with them at this time, their idea, actually, for her, at 32 years old, to move back in with mom and dad. I don't mind at all! She works half time, so still leaves here a few days a week. The four youngest still have school work, but this week is spring break. One daughter who moved back in is doing all of her college online, plus she works a few days a week, so she keeps busy. We try to go on walks, and plan nice meals, I am thankful they are all here, but we do have to work hard to get along, :)
I have no schedule....whatever comes up I do and otherwise, I just hang out and pray this will end soon.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing just fine my friend. Stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
ReplyDeleteI get up and start my miles inside...do Blogs, text, email...read for review...clean and cook...continue miles...Facetime homeschool grands...hobbies...I keep a datebook by my bed-have done since age 16-of things to do that day...that is how I live...I like knowing what I am doing when...however, if others do not do lists or schedules, now is certainly the time to enjoy that...have a good day-prayers
ReplyDeleteDon't have a schedule for there is always tomorrow with lots of open hours that I can shift things to. I may become a professional procrastinator. I plan one major thing, do it, then just wing the rest of the day. Not the best but works for me.
ReplyDeleteScheduling days is becoming hard - after all there's always tomorrow to do it. . . . . or is there! Who really knows.
ReplyDeleteWe've changed our mealtimes, and are adding a walk daily - something we should always be doing but other things often get in the way. Today my phone counted our steps and we did 2 miles - not fabulous but it was 86 degrees and we are 80 & 76, not youngsters! No excuses now, no appointments to keep, limited access for food shopping, no friends to meet up with, family scared to come see us - thank the Lord for good neighbors!
Take care dear one.
I have a sort of routine. I write down what I’d like to get done each day (Ex: blog, work with clay, Skype with grand daughter, et.) Then check it off or move it to the next day... Does that count?
ReplyDeleteA schedule was the first thing I wanted to shed when I retired at 79. Perhaps I’d accomplish more if I had one now, but I like going with the flow based on how my mood strikes me.
ReplyDeleteOh, you are so right Latane... I ran out of things I want to do too:)