Sunday, April 3, 2022

And the Wolf Said "I'll Blow Your House Down."

 April 3, 1974

It was getting late in the day. We'd just finished our supper when we heard that the entire county where we lived was under a tornado warning. We'd been moved back to Alabama just 5 years but we knew what that warning was. Our part of the state is in tornado alley.

The weather was getting bad. And, for once we got a wee bit scared. Enough so that my husband, our 3 children, me and the guy next door all crawled under our house. The furnace was down there so we had some space, thank goodness. I was more scared of snakes than being blown away by a tornado, I think. It was not the perfect place to be.

We huddled together, listening to a small transistor radio. Our town, 7 miles away, had been destroyed. 

Okay, the storm has passed, I am out of this scary place. We all left our 'safe' place under the house.... all but the guy next door. I don't know when he finally crawled out and went home. He may be there yet. 😃

That will be one night I will never forget. Hurricane's scare me but not as much as tornados. Those things are more than wicked. 


  1. I feel the same way, Latane. Lived through many a hurricane down in Louisiana, but tornadoes are something else. That had to be a scary experience! We go into the hall bathroom when the sirens come on... and some have gotten pretty close. We all sat in the bathroom one night during the Christmas tornado that hit Rowlett, TX... just a few blocks from our son's house. We were talking on our cell phone with him. He said they too were in their bathroom with their young daughter and that the roof was shaking... (I prayed).

  2. Wow. We don't get tornados like other states. They fascinate me and scare me, at the same time.

  3. Wow, that would be scary. The only tornado I've experienced was a very narrow one and it was frightening enough. Earthquakes scare me and I live in an earthquake zone.

  4. Tornados are definitely scary. Your time under the house must have been most nerve wracking.

  5. Oh mercy, I thankfully have never lived through a tornado!

    Gentle hugs,



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