Thursday, May 30, 2024

I am not a Gardener!!

 I have always loved flowers. Never was much of a hand at growing them, though. Right now I am trying to keep what few potted plants I have alive. 

I find that the potting soil you buy in the garden shop doesn't hold moisture at all. I am watering the basil and rosemary every single day and even then they look wilted by nightfall. Do you have that problem? Or is it just me? 

I do want to share some pretty blossoms I have seen lately. Just makes me so joyful to see the pretty colors. 

Next time I plant flowers in a pot I am going to try this tip. Looks like it might work on keeping the soil more moist for a longer period of time. 


  1. Everything looks so healthy! Thanks for the tip! I am a failure at indoor plants. I agree about the soil. I was even thinking of that very same thing recently. It's awful. Like sawdust with the water moisture! andrea

  2. I'd not heard that about the soil. As a matter of fact, I just bought a big bag to house the new pothos I found at Lowe's. I'm going to try this tip!

  3. That’s because it isn’t real soil. It’s like grounded up wood chips. I find it’s best to get some good old fashioned top soil 50% and mix it with the wood chip dust.

  4. I love flowers too. I don't do well at keeping them alive in the house though.
    The sponge idea is a good one.

  5. That looks a simple but clever idea to try.

  6. It is tricky with flowers.
    I find my front deck planters need daily watering most days. I do have a meter that lets me know if they are dry. It helps!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  7. Oh, now your tip looks interesting.

  8. That's a very pretty series of flowers. I have the same problem, my pots seem to dry out very quickly. I am looking at them right now. Thank you for the tip about putting sponges in the bottom of the pot. I'll try that!

  9. Your flowers are so pretty, especially that anthurium. I've always admired them but never had one..
    I find I need to water my plants quite often when it's warm out. Let us know if the sponge trick works.
    Just wanted to add my condolences on the passing of your blogging friend from way back when. May she rest in peace.


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