Saturday, June 1, 2024

Afternoon Naps

 There's been a roar of machines around here. And, the smell of asphalt!

Yep, they've been topping our driveway and parking lot. I was going to get a picture of them actually doing their job but I missed that small window of opportunity... you'll never guess where I was when they did the area I could see from my balcony. 

    I was taking a nap! I've gotten to the ripe of age of napping in the afternoon. Isn't that a crock!! 



My mother lived to be 92 and she would never take a nap in the afternoon, said she was scared she'd miss something. I thought that was funny. I don't know what she thought she'd miss. Me... I miss my naps if I don't get them. It's all about priority, I guess. 


  1. Well you missed the asphalt being laid. A nap is better!

  2. The parking lot looks very nice! A nap is a good thing.

  3. That recovered parking lot looks so nice! I don't take naps very often, but when I do, I KNOW I really needed it! Glad you got to take one.

  4. I used to say that when I started to need a nap in the afternoon I would know I was old. Well, I'm definitely old because I get so sleepy in the afternoon!!!

  5. A good nap in the afternoon sets you up for the rest of the day, I wish I could some days as I'm in and out of bed at night, so a nap would be good.. guess at 81 I'm not old enough yet!

  6. I think my afternoon naps may be the best thing about retirement!

  7. We've got construction again. I don't appreciate the noise, but appreciate that it's what keeps our electric service going.

  8. I agree with Mevely317 that naps are my favorite perk in retirement. Not that I take one every day... but the fact that I could is wonderful.

  9. While I have taken an “official” nap which I define as when you lay down and deliberately fall asleep, I have dozed off while reading. Does that count?


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