Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My Heart is Heavy

I learned over the weekend that a friend of mine had died. 

Sometimes, people you have never met can make such an impact on your life and you become friends forever. 

                                This was Sue Gray O'Grady for me.

Back in 2007 I started blogging. My blog was 'Our Journey Through Alzheimers' as I wrote about my husband and my struggle with that dreaded disease. Sue was an early follower and supporter. So, we've been there for each other over the years. I am going to miss her, wish we gals could have gotten together for a good visit, I just hope she knew how much I appreciated her. 

Go easy into that good night, my friend....


  1. I'm so sorry. Our blog friends are special, even if we never get to meet in person.

  2. I'm sorry to hear this, Latane. Some of the dearest souls I've been blessed to know are residents of Blogland.

  3. I am so sorry to hear you’ve lost a friend Latane. I’m sure she knew just how much she meant to you. Thinking of you. Lynne u.k.

  4. I am so sorry to read this. I lost my client this month. I've been helping his widow with things. It is tough.

  5. Hi Latane~ It's so hard to lose friends, even if you

    never met face to face...you met heart to heart. I'm so sorry. Gentle Hugs, Barb

  6. Like yourself, Latane, I have also lost never-met blog friends but as you did with your friend, Sue, heartfelt times were shared and she will always be with you in memories.

  7. How sad your dear blog friend died. Last week a friend of mine died, she was diagnosed with brain cancer and died 3 days later, only 55. It is a shock to lose a friend.

  8. I am SO sorry for your loss...

  9. She knew you were a special, caring friend Latane. May she rest in peace and a better place. Several blog friends from the early days have passed on and it's always sad, whether or not you met in person, or just spent many years here sharing a shoulder or a laugh online.
    You stay well - Mary x

  10. Latane I am so sorry you have lost a friend. I am not a blogger but have followed your blog for a long time and I admire you so much! I especially love the great relationship you have with your children. Bless you.

  11. Sorry for your loss....

    Didn't know you lived with your husband's alzheimer's journey. I'm 87 and my husband is 91, nearly blind, with dementia. A hard journey, as you well know. I dearly hope for some time after, for myself. Eventually.... in Senior Living.... Sighhhh....

    Pardon the old cardinal icon... But I haven't been at my blog, since this journey began.



Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.