Friday, May 10, 2024

Sadness Fills My Heart

 Life can sure throw you a curve ball when you least expect it.

Got word yesterday that a nephew had passed. And, I just gotta ask God... why! 

He was 64, healthy, vibrant, needed, talented, a really good guy. Both parents are gone so he and his sister live near each other on a hillside in Eastern Tennessee. They were big buddies and he helped her alot. Neither were married.

The sister drove up the lane to her house, saw his car sitting in the driveway as he was waiting on her to get home. He'd just taken a picture of an upcoming storm and sent it to her. He never got a chance to post it on facebook.... the cellphone dropped into his lap and he was gone. 

He was a talented musician, sort of a country-blues sort of music. He wrote songs, played several instruments, painted beautiful pictures, did wood-carvings, grew mushrooms, loved to garden and cook healthy dishes. I loved to listen to him play the harmonica. He was GOOD! 

He was a mountain man... loved the outdoors, was a spelunker (cave wanderer), worked as a smoke jumper in Alaska and out west in his earlier years.

I just don't understand it. And, I hurt, not only for everyone who loved him but especially for the sister he was so close to. She is gonna be lost. 

Just please say a prayer for this family. Thank you. 


  1. I am so sorry. Will pray. andrea

  2. I'm so sorry. Praying for you all.

  3. That is so sad. I’m sorry for your loss. Prayers for his sister.

  4. Sympathy and Prayer for the loss of a wonderful well loved man

  5. My heart aches for you both. It is so hard to understand God’s reasoning but He has a plan for us all. I pray that God’s peace will be your peace and that you will feel his courage for the days ahead. ❤️

  6. I didn’t know I was posting anonymously.

  7. I am so sorry to read this. May God comfort all of you who loved him.

  8. I'm so sorry for this loss to so many. Praying for you and the rest of the family.

  9. That's very sad news, we never know what's round the corner. Every Blessing for you and his sister.

  10. Let us make the most of each day as we never know what tomorrow may bring. The shock of someone so young dying suddenly is hard for those left behind. May his sister overcome her grief and be left with the many happy memories she must have of their time together.

  11. So so sorry to hear your bad news Sandy

  12. Sending prayers to you from Sandy

  13. Hi Latane, I will be sure and say a prayer for your nephew and for all who knew and loved him. I'm so sorry for your family and his sister's loss.

  14. My condolences to you and your family, Latane, on the unexpected passing of your nephew. From just reading your post, he was a very special person who will be missed so much especially by his beloved sister, yourself and many others.

  15. What a shock for everyone who knew him. Too young to be gone. Will you be traveling there for the funeral?

  16. Lots of prayers and my deepest sympathy to you and all of your family!

  17. Sincere condolences to you and to the young man's sister. Times like this there are so many unanswered questions.

  18. Praying.

  19. Dear Latane, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved nephew, he sounded like a very talented, decent man. I’m especially touched by the way he looked out for his sister, he will be missed by many whose lives he touched.

  20. this is so sad, i don't understand it either, what a handsome, sweet guy!! i am sending you and her sister warm thoughts and hugs!!!


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