Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day has gotten me thinking, remembering, wishing....

My husband spent over 22 years in the Navy, fought in Korea and Vietnam. He was a proud sailor, I was proud of him. And, thank God, he made it home.

So many of our military did not 'made it back'. But, they did go home to be with their buddies who gave their lives so that we might have freedom. 

People wish each other 'Happy Memorial Day'. Well, there is nothing happy about losing your life, about being the family left behind. I can not imagine the pain. It's not a time of celebration with barbeques, parties and such. It's a time to honor the sacrifice they all made. 


  1. Truly a very solemn day. I appreciate your husband's service. And all who have died for our country, laying down their lives so that we may live in freedom. andrea

  2. Thankful for your husbands service. My Dad and my son were in the army.
    You're right - it's a solemn day. We owe our freedom to many.

  3. You are so right about that, Latane. I think too often the real meaning gets lost among the celebrating. Very thankful for your husband's service.

  4. I agree with you Latane and God Bless your dear, sweet husband. I would also like to thank you for his service. I hold this day closely and remember the true reason for this day.

  5. What a handsome Naval officer! Coming of age in the Viet Nam conflict, I'm enormously humbled by those who chose to serve. I agree with how Sean Dietrich concluded his column the other day: "Don’t say ‘Happy Memorial Day' this weekend. It’s not happy. It ain’t about parades and barbecues. It’s about missing someone so badly you can’t breathe.” Have a meaningful Memorial Day.

  6. Many forget what this day is all about. Thank you for the service of your handsome soldier.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.