Sunday, June 16, 2024

Getting It Done!

 I am so proud of myself. I so seldom advocate for me. But, I did think this was a good thing to ask for.

I love going to a place called Holland's Restaurant in downtown Suffolk. But......

the only entry is a rather steep (although short) incline to the door. With my unbalance I just never go alone, always have someone to help me nagivate that. I go up better than I go down any incline.

So, I called the owner. She was so nice and said they'd had handrails up there before but the door would swing open and the glass would break. So, down they came. She said she'd look into it.

Shirley and I went back last Wednesday to eat. And, we are sitting there chowing down on some porkchops, mashed potatoes and fried okra when the owner came by, says, 'Did you see the handrails?' I hadn't. Well, in my defense, they don't look like handrails and I was concentrating on getting up to the door safely. 

But, let me tell you... When we left, I came down that incline like butter in a hot skillet, just walked down easy as pie. 

So, it does help to advocate for yourself. 

Today is Father's Day

I never knew my Dad. I hear tell he was one fine man. 
The older I get the more I wish I'd known him. 

My Dad was killed by lightning while my Mom was pregnant with me.

So, if you have a Dad still with you, hug him tight, tell him you love him. Make him know he's the most important man in your life. 

I wish I could do that with my Dad. 


  1. Good for you. We are our own advocates. In my state, it’s law to have ramps and such. Every place has to be assessable for everyone.

    You’re looking good Latane!

  2. Great! You pointed out a problem, and they listened! andrea

  3. Good for you! In advocating for yourself, you've helped others too.
    That's a great photo of you!
    I'm sorry you never got to meet your Dad. I'm glad you got to hear what a good man he was.

  4. What a tragedy to befall your mother!
    I'm so sorry you never knew the feel of your father's hug.
    So glad you spoke up to that restauranter. The cost to put those up is far less than a lawsuit, should someone take a tumble.

  5. Good for you! You have helped a whole lot of others, as well.

  6. Well, I don't blame you for not noticing those handrails as they don't look like handrails. Ha! Once you know they are handrails, I'm sure they work wonderfully.

  7. Yay for handrails. You advocated for yourself and many, many others.

  8. Great picture of you!!
    Nice that that handrail was put up after you called the restaurant.

  9. Thought about you today and realized I hadn't seen your blog in awhile. Well, I discovered that it had disappeared from my blog list so you're back on the list. Let me see what I have missed.

  10. Love those handrails! Good for you for asking about them.
    That's an incredible story about your dad. So sorry.

  11. ooooh how wonderful about those handrails. i am sure the owner was so happy to help out. how sad about your dad, mine is gone now too. he was extremely abusive to us kids and my mom, i had such mixed feelings when he passed as my mom adored him!!


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