Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Conquering the Hot Weather

 It is so hot!

Guess the whole country is sweltering but that doesn't make it any easier to realize you are not alone in your 'suffering'. 

I am holed up in my apartment, the AC running continuously, just thinking about times I have experienced cooler spaces. The beach is one. We never go in mid-summer, preferring to go in spring. These are pictures from times like that. I hope it makes me feel a bit cooler... I believe I can imagine a breeze drifting through. 

or perhaps if I can't be at the beach I could at least have some ice cold watermelon. 

Oranges are very refreshing when they are cold, as well. and, did you know you can peel an orange or tangerine and place the slices in the freezer for 15 minutes. Oh, Yummy...I can just taste those right now. 

Please try to stay comfortable.... Fall will eventually get here. 


  1. Oooh - I think I need some watermelon now!
    I've never tried freezing orange slices.

  2. Frozen blueberries are good too!

  3. I can never have too much watermelon!

  4. Now you have reminded me that we need to pick up some watermelon this week. We have been enjoying a chilled bowl of cherries for our evening treat the past couple of weeks.

  5. I wanted to plant watermelon in the garden, but didn't have the space. We did plant some canteloupe though. Yes, it's been way too hot here, but we have now cooled down.


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