Friday, June 21, 2024

A Bump In The Night


I've always had an interest in murder mysteries. Remember when you could  buy magazines titled "True Crime" or "Real Detective"? 

I did my share of reading those. Back 'in the day' my husband was overseas and the kids and I were living in an apartment in my hometown waiting for Dad to return. After I got the kids to bed I picked up my detective magazine and read til I fell asleep. 

It wasn't long until something startled me awake. Scared the bee-gee-bees outta me. It was nothing really but I didn't know that. So, I called my aunt, got her out of bed. She pulled on a coat over her pajamas and drove four miles to my house and crawled into bed with me. Talk about devotion!!

There's so many crime shows on tv now so it makes it easy for me to get pulled into them again. And, I went through a time that I read only murder mysteries. But, they're losing their appeal. guess I've overloaded my brain with that all scary information.

When I saw this graphic, I had to laugh. I didn't get that 'careful' but it sure rang a bell with me. 


  1. That’s a cute graphic. I’m guilty! I enjoy true crime. Well maybe that’s the wrong way to say it. I do watch them. My husband think’s I’m morbid. I’m not. I think I would have enjoyed being a detective, that’s all. I have an inquiring mind!
    That was sweet your aunt came to sleep with you. Good memory!

  2. That's funny! I like crime stuff too, but like you it doesn't seem as scary. I think the news scares us enough.
    Your aunt was a sweetheart!

  3. I love the cartoon. My husband says that could be me. I am not sure it was a compliment.

  4. I too like a good mystery but the setting can't be too close to my own or I get scared too.

  5. I need to share that with my husband. He watches them all! I used to watch with him but the last year or two I find I'm tied up in knots with the fear and suspense. One night I dreamed the crime was happening to me and that's when I decided, "Nope. Done watching those." :)


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