Oh boy, did the wind howl, and whistle and screech around the corner of my apartment last night! I lay in bed listening to it and trying to figure out what it reminded me of. An old movie with a bad winter storm, maybe. the time I was in a hurricane, a characture of Old Man Winter with icy breath coming from his mouth.
Actually it wasn't that cold. But, I had fun with imagery while I listened to it.
I went to lunch yesterday with 6 others from Centerbrooke. We are trying to start up our lunch bunch once again but this time we are on our own for transportation. We used to go by van but since Covid that van is sitting on the backlot, mold growing on it's rooftop, man, it needs a powerwash. And, a driver. But, we will do what we have to do to go out and have fun.
I am so happy that I can now get out and do things. I missed that so much but at the time (my radiation and right after) I was most happy curled up in my bed either sleeping or streaming on my tablet. No motivation whatsoever. But, Old MoJo is back and I am raring to go.