Friday, July 8, 2022

My Week In a Nutshell #2

Looking Out My Window....  I see a cloudy sky. We are supposed to have some thunderstorms today. Had some yesterday and will again tomorrow. We need the rain so I won't complain. (Oh, I made a rhyme! 😁) The heron comes and tries to catch his dinner. Sometimes he preens himself.

I Am Thinking About.... how busy I have been and how I am feeling so good about what I have accomplished this week. Lots of cleaning, organizing, I guess you could call it summer cleaning, not spring cleaning! 
It makes me happy that I am doing some good things in my life.
Something New This Week was.... purchasing a new toaster oven. It also has a convection option which I am not familiar with so I have been doing some research on how I can best put that new gadget to work for me.

How I'm Feeling.... blessed beyond measure. 

A Treat for myself this week was.... a beautiful bouquet that I picked up at the grocers last Sunday. I have enjoyed it's presence all week, just sitting there making me happy all week. 

What I'm Watching.... on Discovery+ I found a series called 'Back in Time for Dinner', filmed several years ago in Canada. It features one family (husband, wife, 2 teenage girls, 1 teenage boy) who live through what it was like in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. 

The house was completely decorated for each time decor. They had to dress and act like they were really living during that decade. The food cooked, no tv, no cell phone etc (until later), games played, oh the outfits they wore made me say, 'I wore that!' As she entered each decade the wife walked into her retro kitchen with one question "Do I get a dishwasher yet?"

It was a lot of fun reliving those times through watching it happen on 'Back in Time for Dinner'. 

Something fun this week.... if you remember from a couple posts back how I had fun with my doll, Aaron, while my grown children were here... all in good fun! 

We have coffee time down in the community room every morning here at the Commons. A place to drink some jo, gossip a bit, catch up with friends. I took Aaron down with me yesterday and he was a huge hit! I'm gonna have to keep my eye on Aaron, there were a couple gals who might have snuck him away! 

That's it for this morning..... tootle-doo!



  1. Your little boy doll is just adorable! I remember taking one of mine to see my Dad when he was in the hospital. Everyone loved him. Love your flowers and wonderful post of gratitude!

  2. Nice to read about your week. I think it always feels good to get a job done - a good feeling of accomplishment.

  3. That program sounds good - I remember PBS had a series 15 or so years ago, and they had to live in the Victorian UK. No modern conveniences.

  4. I Love seeing herons. They are so elegant! The flowers are so pretty.
    I wrote down the name of the show. It sounds so interesting.

  5. Your flowers are so lovely! Amazing how a pretty bouquet brightens up a home.

  6. Hello! Thank you for telling us about that show! It sounds like something we would love. Lovely flowers as well, my friend. Enjoy your rain!

  7. The show sounds delightful...

    You can also read Instagrams, where the people live, as if in different eras... Like the 40's, the 50's, etc. Lots of fun.

    🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.