Saturday, June 4, 2022

Traveling Down The Road

                   Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore (Wizard of Oz joke)

I knew that Shirley, John and I were going to visit Michael in Alabama but thought it would be several days before we left. Lo and behold, Tuesday at noon Shirley called me, 'Mom, we're leaving in the morning'. 

You should have seen this old woman juning around getting all my stuff together. Since I will be staying most of June, I had to have a lot of stuff. I was about ready to scream/collapse/run for the hills by the time we left on Wednesday morning!

                          So, my next posts will be of my trip to Alabama! 

It's about a 12 hour drive, except when you're old and have to pee lots. And, eat often, and you get tired and cranky.  Then it's 14 hours! So, we break it up into two days.

I usually have my camera ready while traveling. Either in my hand or in my lap. Sometimes, I'm successful in taking pictures on the fly, sometimes not. We see all sorts of things and I just snap away.

When I was growing up, the field in front of the house was full of purple vetch. Little feathery leaves, pretty flowers but it's feed for cattle. So, when I kept seeing these pink flowers growing alongside the road, I was really curious as to what they are. 

There were some growing around the perimeter of the hotel we stayed in! Photo time! Looked it up on the internet. It's Crown Vetch. Well, the change in color had me fooled. Pink, not purple of my childhood. But, aren't they pretty?


  1. Yay! Road trip! Glad that your kids are accommodating. It makes traveling so much easier. I like the pink vetch and remember seeing it. I think it smells nice, too.

  2. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip . Take lots of pictures. Aren't digital cameras so much better than when we had to use film, 24 pictures per roll, so one had to limit what to photograph? Nowadays I delete more than I keep.

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  4. Beautiful flowers, I haven't seen them anywhere around these parts. I know you will have the best time on your trip. Keep in touch and smile a lot. HUGS!

  5. Have a great time visiting your son.

  6. Safe travels to you and your family, Latane, and what a wonderful time you are sure to enjoy with family. Your fellow bloggers will be looking forward to your AL adventures and hope you stay cool.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.