Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Don't Be Bored!

                                                I get bored!! 

                                       Trying to stay safe, keeps me inside a lot. 

                         So, I dragged my paints out and worked on a new project. 

                                  I used watercolors and colored pens on this one.  

I should go to town. It's too HOT!

I can talk myself out of so many things to do. 

Guess that's my choice these days.

I do what I want, when I want and I don't care!! 


  1. It is hot. I love reading on the back deck, but couldn't stay out there.
    I love your art! I have no motivation. I tried to sketch yesterday and just couldn't!

  2. Oh this makes me feel better. My yard looks horrendous because I've barely been out there lately. I've so enjoyed just being inside doing... whatever it is I feel like doing at the moment! I love your painting!

  3. Love your painting! Great job. You are talented.

  4. Good plan! I am kinda jealous of your painting talent. I'm still in death cleaning mode.

  5. Beautiful!
    I need to get going planning for my daughter's homeschool year. But, I am on the couch instead. : )

  6. I agree that it's just too hot, even here in New England, to go outdoors if not absolutely necessary. Thank goodness, we have a gym facility here in the mill apts so I can at least walk on a treadmill indoors!


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