Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Bug and a Flood


yep, an old tummy bug hit me Tuesday morning and it has laid me low ever since. But, it did, however, give me a chance to catch up on some streaming. Dau. Susan said I should watch a series 'Perfect Couple' on Netflix. 

So, I got started and before I fell asleep last night I had finished the thing. Talk about keeping you guessing. See, there was a wedding going on in Nantucket but the night before the ceremony one of the bridesmaids comes up dead in the Ocean. And, you just keep wondering which one of those nutty people did it! 

I am not going to tell.. you gotta read the book or watch the series to find out. 

It has been raining so much here but we didn't get as much as a lot of places. Son Michael used to live in Southport, N. C. He posted some pictures from there on facebook. I am so thankful that he isn't living there in that mess now. 

They will have a lot of rebuilding of roads it looks like. 

Hope you all stay dry, safe and happy.


  1. Hi Latane, I hope you feel better soon. I think a couple of radio announcers were talking about the same series on Netflix and didn't figure out who did it until the end of the series when it was revealed. I'll have to remember to check this series out when I next subscribe to Netflix. I have certain shows that I watch on Netflix and then unsubscribe until those shows have a new series for me. I'm currently subscribed to Acorn and I always have Amazon Prime.

  2. My goodness. Half the bridge is gone! Was this a hurricane or tropical storm? I hadn’t heard. I hope no one was on that bridge when it washed away.


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