Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Memory - Strollers

 Things change! Boy, do they! 

I wonder if any of you remember the strollers we used for our babies? Of course, they probably are all different depending on the time we had those little ones. 

I first stroller I had was of course for my first child, Marie. We were living in San Diego, California and here is Marie in her stroller in front of our row of apartments. It looks so darn strange now, doesn't it? 

That weird push handle... my word and that half enclosed seating area. That couldn't have been comfortable. And, oh my gosh... the wheels had covers! Uptown, for sure. Year... 1952

Susan came along in 1963. No pics of the transportation for the two in between.
The push handle looks more sturdy. And, the seating is actually cloth which had to be better than sitting for hours on metal! A nice comfortable place to rest those sweet feet and a tray to hold toys. To heck with the wheel covers!! 

In 11 years the manufactors had made a huge improvement. 

Then the grandbabies came along. Still more changes made in their care.
A trip to the zoo with Christopher and Yvonne. Strollers were totally minamilized. 

But, Grandmother to the rescue. Now, this is the way to travel. I had such fun pushing those grandbabies around the yard in our wheelbarrow. Better than a stroller any day of the week. 


  1. Love it! I had that same orange umbrella stroller for my first son.

  2. Oh my! That is a good mini history of strollers. lol. The umbrella ones were the best for running into a store or traveling with. I used to have a nice larger stroller, and an umbrella stroller. andrea

  3. p.s....wheel barrow rides are the best! lots of fun. andrea


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