Monday, September 16, 2024

Bears and Snakes OH MY


It was 1951, I was a new bride living far from home, just waiting for my sailor husband's ship to pull out of port for Korea. 

I was only there for about 3 weeks so we rented a room upstairs over some sort of business. The young Navy wife in the room next to us and I struck up a friendship and we spent lots of time together. 

Me and Millie having a big laugh on our apartment rooftop

One day we hopped a bus and rode over to the San Diego Zoo. That zoo is top-notch and we spent all afternoon looking at bears sun-bathing, monkeys jumping from tree to tree, birds preening in wire cages. We'd about done it all when Millie, that's my new friend, wanted to go in the Snake House. I do not like snakes! But, to please her I suffered through looking at all those slimey, slithering things.

It was late when we got back, the guys had duty. I'm not fond of spending the night alone but I'd crawled into bed, trying to fall asleep, when there is a banging on my door. It's Millie. 

"I'm scared. There's something in my apartment. Can I sleep with you?" Of course, we both have visions of those huge snakes in our heads. Imagination can be a wonderful thing... or it can scare you half to death! 

So, I slid over and gave her a spot next to me.  

Next morning, she cautiously opened her door. I would have been leery of going in there myself. So, being the 'friend' that I was, I went back into my room and left her to face the THING all by herself. Wasn't that just sweet of me!! 

A few minutes later she's banging on my door again. 

"I found it," she said. The picture hanging over her bed had fallen and scared her half to death. Well, at least we had each other. We agreed, no more visiting Snake Houses at the zoo!! 


  1. My goodness! I absolutely love these, Latane! What a beautiful picture of two young friends. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That is so funny! Good memories!

  3. I love this photo, you both look like you’re having a great time & I adore your clothes. You look amazing. I wear a lot of vintage style clothes myself but I’ve never had the legs for shorts. :) I also really enjoy hearing of your life in the 50’s & 60’s & would like to hear more.

    I used to teach in Sri Lanka where they have very long ( around 6-8 inches) , poisonous centipedes which whizz about at great speed. One evening one of these critters was seen at the school teachers residence & escaped being captured. I couldn’t sleep that night, hearing a rapid tapping sound, which I terrified was coming from under my bed ( think of the sound a 100 legs would make). Found out in the morning, it was my colleague who slept next door, using his keyboard to play computer late into the night!

  4. lol! That's what friends are for! andrea

  5. That is too funny! What a great story!

  6. Great memories. I detest snakes and I don't think I'd go into the snake display even for a friend.

  7. Hi Latane~ I loved that story! We all need a friend like you... even if you didn't go in her room with her, you were her biggest cheerleader! Great story! Hugs, Barb

  8. Latane, you are a storyteller, and I love it. Please tell us more, I really enjoyed that, and oh dear, those scary falling pictures!

  9. This is so much fun to read! What a time.

  10. awww this is such a sweet and scary story!! you were a very sweet friend!! no more zoo for you two!!

  11. That is a cute story. Thank you for sharing


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