Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Yesterday was a Wednesday... the 4th to be exact. 

But, in my apartment, it felt like Friday the 13th! At my first peek at the internet I only saw the sign that I had none. I did the usual. You know, turning the computer off for a bit and then turning it on again. NOTHING! 

                                   I tried later. NOTHING!

Finally I get a text message from my provider saying there were problems that they were working on. Okay. So, I'll find something else to do. 

Then my cell phone started giving me notification signals.... every few minutes. Each time I'd open it up, look.. NOTHING. No new emails, calls, messages. What the heck! 

After awhile that beeping was getting under my skin! 

Then I get a text saying my network service had been restored. Yippee!

I log on, open up Facebook. look at a couple of friends posts, then I open up what I thought was a very innocent post about what celebrities had worn to a red carpet event. I like pretty clothes. 

But, pretty clothes was not what it showed me. My monitor screen was covered in over a dozen very explicit photos of porn and I could not get rid of it. I tried everything. It was telling me that my computer had been shut down and I was to call this number. Folks,  don't ever fall for that crap! It's a hoax. 

Instead I called my wonderful tech savy son-in-law, John. Over the phone he walked me through what to do to get back online. Lordy, I don't know what I'd do without that guy! 

But, the notification beep was still annoying the heck outta me. I went to settings, then notification and discovered I had a voice mail. I am one of those stupid nuts that almost never checks her voice mail. So, because I don't... I paid for it. Beep, Beep, Beep!! 

I recently ordered a book called "How To Drag a Body .... etc." In it was a chapter on computer hacking. I made notes. I'll do another post on that at a later date. But, this world of social media and life in general is getting darn scary. We all need to protect ourselves and each other

I think I'll never forget those porn images as long as I live. I won't be opening any more posts I don't know who posted it. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am so sorry! That is an awful shock. I hope you are OK!

  3. Technology is definitely a double-edged sword!

  4. I'm sorry you had to see those disgusting images. I'm glad you had your son in law to help you get rid of the crap and get back on line.

  5. The world is full of sick things like that post...I just never open anything I don't recognize or trust as being's hard!

  6. Hi Latane~ I'm so sorry about your computer problems. I've had that happen to me before and it's just horrible! I'm glad you got it fixed. It always seems like when it rains it pours! Hang in there! Hugs, Barb

  7. Thankfully, I haven’t had a computer issue like what you described, Latane, although I did get one about a PC virus and you are right in advising to NEVER, EVER click on any links. I have received a few spam phone texts and always report them as junk. And, don’t get me started about blog spam comments which are deleted on a nearly daily basis. You would think people could make better use of their time. Glad your son-in-law was able to help.

  8. I completely understand your frustration.......I am never good at handling or fixing computer problems. I never open or click on any links that I am not familiar with.

  9. So terrible about the awful link........I try not to click on anything I am not familiar with since I am not good at fixing my mistakes when I do.

  10. I heard once.....Computers give you access to the world, and the world access to YOU. Stay safe! Stay smart! Continue to share your stories!


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