Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mountain Majesty

 I do love me some mountains. I love the rise and fall of the landscape, the palette of colors in both spring and fall, the excitement of riding along and seeing 'way over yonder'. (That was my Mom's old saying). I love the way mist drifts down and nestles around a mountain like a blanket around a child. I love mountains in any season, in any weather. They are God's magic created just for us to enjoy. 

I hope you enjoy these photos I have taken over time of one of my favorite places to be - the mountains. 

Have a wonderful weekend.. Hugs to all of you! 



  1. These are all beautiful Latane! I love the mountains too.

  2. I agree with you about mountains. Another thing I love is how there are different shades of blue depending on it's distance from you. Beautiful pictures!


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