Monday, September 16, 2024

Bears and Snakes OH MY


It was 1951, I was a new bride living far from home, just waiting for my sailor husband's ship to pull out of port for Korea. 

I was only there for about 3 weeks so we rented a room upstairs over some sort of business. The young Navy wife in the room next to us and I struck up a friendship and we spent lots of time together. 

Me and Millie having a big laugh on our apartment rooftop

One day we hopped a bus and rode over to the San Diego Zoo. That zoo is top-notch and we spent all afternoon looking at bears sun-bathing, monkeys jumping from tree to tree, birds preening in wire cages. We'd about done it all when Millie, that's my new friend, wanted to go in the Snake House. I do not like snakes! But, to please her I suffered through looking at all those slimey, slithering things.

It was late when we got back, the guys had duty. I'm not fond of spending the night alone but I'd crawled into bed, trying to fall asleep, when there is a banging on my door. It's Millie. 

"I'm scared. There's something in my apartment. Can I sleep with you?" Of course, we both have visions of those huge snakes in our heads. Imagination can be a wonderful thing... or it can scare you half to death! 

So, I slid over and gave her a spot next to me.  

Next morning, she cautiously opened her door. I would have been leery of going in there myself. So, being the 'friend' that I was, I went back into my room and left her to face the THING all by herself. Wasn't that just sweet of me!! 

A few minutes later she's banging on my door again. 

"I found it," she said. The picture hanging over her bed had fallen and scared her half to death. Well, at least we had each other. We agreed, no more visiting Snake Houses at the zoo!! 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

I am Bored!

 I am just bored 'outta my gourd'. 

It's Sunday. There's nothing to watch on tv. The phone doesn't ring. Noone drops by. And, I don't want to tackle a big project. I do need one day of rest, right?

Yesterday I set up a painting station in my office/guest bedroom. I've been needing to do this for a long time. It was such a chore trying to drag my art supplies out from every nook and cranny. Now, I can just sit down and paint. Which is what I did! Here's what I cranked out yesterday. 

I'd painted onions before. I think maybe I like this one the best. What do you think?

Here's the ones I'd already done?

Not in the mood to paint today. Just may go in the kitchen and cook me up something to eat. A gal can eat when she can't do anything else! 
I do cook ... 
I made some corn chowder the other day for lunch. 
It was yummy

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

We Must Never Forget


Oftentimes we move on, get busy with life...

but there is one day in our lives that we will remember forever! 

                                                                         Sept 11, 2001

As that morning evolved, we all stopped in our tracks and stared at the television. Surely this was not happening. Not in OUR country. 

But, it was. 

How it affected each of us is different but it left it's indelibile mark on our lives, nontheless. That scar will never heal. 

                                                                        Do Not Ever Forget

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Intruder

 I often get what my grandmother called 'wild hairs'.. 

That means that it's a completely ridiculous idea.

I think I tried this once before but my 'wild hair' died and I moved on.

It's back!!

                    I want to do Memory Monday again.

Some have told me they enjoy my stories. I hope you will enjoy these Monday tales.

So, here goes............

After my husband retired from his Navy career he moved the family to Alabama, out in the country, at the end of a dirt road. We could see one neighbor! 

The kids all grew up, moved out, and I became an empty-nester at the end of this road. Oh, BTW, it had been paved by then.

My husband loved to foxhunt, spending all night in the woods, spinning yarns with other hunters, listening to the hounds chasing a fox. And, that left me alone.

We had enclosed the carport and was using it as a bedroom. The head of the bed was under a high-up on the wall window at the front of the house. 

I was alone... dreading to go to bed. I don't do nighttime well. I see and hear buggers everywhere and if I screamed no one would hear me. 

Finally I crawl into bed and fall asleep. Awhile later, I am jolted out of my sleep by the sound of someone walking on the other side of that wall. I am petrified. I just know that somebody is about to break in. I lay there trembling, scared outta my wits but eventally get up enough courage to stand up on the bed and peer out the window. 

The moonlight wasn't bright, a quarter or half one I guess, but there was enough light for me to make out my 'intruder'. One of our cows had gotten out of the pasture. She was busy walking around just outside my bedroom, having herself a feast in my flower bed. 

           Some of our cows... I wonder which one was 'the intruder'? 

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Yesterday was a Wednesday... the 4th to be exact. 

But, in my apartment, it felt like Friday the 13th! At my first peek at the internet I only saw the sign that I had none. I did the usual. You know, turning the computer off for a bit and then turning it on again. NOTHING! 

                                   I tried later. NOTHING!

Finally I get a text message from my provider saying there were problems that they were working on. Okay. So, I'll find something else to do. 

Then my cell phone started giving me notification signals.... every few minutes. Each time I'd open it up, look.. NOTHING. No new emails, calls, messages. What the heck! 

After awhile that beeping was getting under my skin! 

Then I get a text saying my network service had been restored. Yippee!

I log on, open up Facebook. look at a couple of friends posts, then I open up what I thought was a very innocent post about what celebrities had worn to a red carpet event. I like pretty clothes. 

But, pretty clothes was not what it showed me. My monitor screen was covered in over a dozen very explicit photos of porn and I could not get rid of it. I tried everything. It was telling me that my computer had been shut down and I was to call this number. Folks,  don't ever fall for that crap! It's a hoax. 

Instead I called my wonderful tech savy son-in-law, John. Over the phone he walked me through what to do to get back online. Lordy, I don't know what I'd do without that guy! 

But, the notification beep was still annoying the heck outta me. I went to settings, then notification and discovered I had a voice mail. I am one of those stupid nuts that almost never checks her voice mail. So, because I don't... I paid for it. Beep, Beep, Beep!! 

I recently ordered a book called "How To Drag a Body .... etc." In it was a chapter on computer hacking. I made notes. I'll do another post on that at a later date. But, this world of social media and life in general is getting darn scary. We all need to protect ourselves and each other

I think I'll never forget those porn images as long as I live. I won't be opening any more posts I don't know who posted it. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Nothing Stops Miss P

 I just have to tell you about one of my neighbors here at the 55+ apartment complex! 

                                        We call her Miss P

                                         It fits her to a tee! 

She is 92 years old and I have never seen that woman when she wasn't dressed to the hilt. There's the dangly earrings, chunky necklaces and her signature eyeglasses and lordy, she is never without her high, high heels. How that woman walks in those things is  beyond me. 

When the Kentucky Derby was on, we had this fun-filled party going on, thanks to my Shirley who headed it up. There were mock-mint juleps and lots of food. There were guessing games and we even had our own race.  The horses were really stick horses attached to walkers and rollators. 

Now, you lookout for Miss P! She won once out of three races. And, in those red high heels. 

                    Gotta love her attitude. Gotta love that woman!