Friday, July 19, 2024

Moving Forward


If you read my last post you know I was 'in a mood'. Your concern and remarks were so helpful and appreciated

And, then I ran across this! 

So, I got myself up, dressed up and met my daughter and son-in-law for lunch. 

I'm moving forward! 


  1. Good for you! You know just what to do.

  2. Good for you! Pushing on makes a big difference.

  3. Hi Latane, You are wonderful and I'm so glad that you were able to meet your daughter and son-in-law for lunch. I bet you feel so much better after your lunch with them.

  4. I missed your last post but wanted to tell you how AMAZING I think you are. You do so much, all your adventures and celebrations are fun to read about. It's absolutely wonderful you are able to do all the traveling you do. Everyone slows down at some point but you strike me as one of those who will go full speed until the end! But give yourself grace when you don't feel up to your usual schedule! My father was a runner, doing 10 miles daily for years. When he got into his 80s, he started cutting back, but was still doing 6 miles, but all he did was berate himself because he could no longer do 10! I said, "dad, look at me, I'm 20 years younger than you and I can't even run a mile!" (Not that I ever wanted to, hah!) So I'm going to tell you, "Latane, from what I read on your blog, you could probably run circles around 99% of the people your age!" I'm glad you're realistic about the situation but try not to listen to your negative inner voice.

  5. Good for you, Latane, and after a bit of resting up you were ready to go out again and undoubtedly have a great time too.

  6. You are the most inspirational woman!

  7. Hello everyone. Am here to testify how I got my loan from Mr. Pedro after I applied several times from various loan lenders who promised to help, but they never gave me the loan. Until a friend of mine introduced me to Mr. Pedro, Jerome promised to help me and indeed he did as he promised without any form of delay. I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until I met Mr. Pedro, who indeed helped with the loan and changed my belief. I don't know if you are in any way in need of a genuine and urgent loan, be free to contact Mr. Pedro via WhatsApp +393510140339 and his email:, thank you.

  8. I hope everyone is doing well, I have some news to share today.... In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard, but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now, and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
    I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful, and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out to Pedro the loan lender on WhatsApp: +393510140339. For loan assistance.
    So please keep me in your thoughts, and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.