Monday, July 1, 2024

Family and Food

 Had a lovely flight up last Thursday. My limo driver (wheelchair pusher) at Norfolk airport was a sweetie, so attentive and concerning,  he got a handsome tip from me. Not so with the wheelchair pusher I had at LaGuardia in New York. You can bet he didn't get the tip the first one received!

My time so far has been full of family and food! I mean, what more could you asked for!

Friday Grandson Tighe was not working so Susan, Tighe and I went into Rye for a sidewalk lunch at Rubys. It was mid afternoon so I decided I'd just eat lunch and supper and ordered bacon a wrapped scallops on a bed of risotto. It was sooo good!

Then Tighe escorted his grand mom down the street to an ice cream parlor. That lemon sorbet was perfect!

More about fun and food and family later on..


  1. I'm glad you're having fun! I love the picture of you with your grands.

  2. Thanks for the update on your family visit do far, Laverne. The food looked good and sure the sorbet was wonderful too

  3. Enjoy your time with family and all the good food. I only tip well when I get good service - I like your attitude!!

    1. this is from Judee at Gluten Free A-Z Blog

  4. It looks like you are being well taken care of there Latane!


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.