Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Golden Bachelor

I haven't watched The Bachelor in years. Liked it to begin with but it got so silly, so fake and I just didn't have time or the energy to sit through such junk. Those young folks were really acting so inmature. 

And, then I see where they are actually going to have a MATURE bachelor and my ears perk up. About time that television recognizes that we older folks have a life, too. 

And, he's good looking!  He is 72 but at that age, I am old enough to be his Mama!! Be still, my fluttering heart!💓


I missed the first segment but caught the second show and I am afraid I am hooked. At least for now... we'll see where it goes. 

It seems that life in general concentrates on youth and delegates us older ones to the corner of life's room, in the shadows, out of the way. About the only commericials geared for the seniors are ones about Depends. ha ha. 

I think we ought to have a revolt... all us seniors gang up together and show this world what we are made of! You with me??



  1. Right there with you, Latane!
    Already I'm loving Gerry (Golden Bachelor). Did you know, I first floated the idea back in September of 2012? Took them long enough, huh!

  2. Hi Latane~ I have not watched, The Golden Bachelor, I guess I better tune in! I agree with the silliness of the young people. I tried once to watch, but quickly changed my mind. He really is very handsome, I think I will like watching :0) Thanks for the review! Hugs, Barb

  3. Oh my goodness! We love it too! We watch The Bachelor, and I agree, it is full of immature people wanting to be famous. This Golden Bachelor, however, is the best! Even my husband is watching! That is big, because he is giving up Thursday Night Football to watch! lol

  4. While I admit to not having watched any of the Bachelor shows, Latane, I had seen the news accounts about the Golden Bachelor and the females that would be vying for his attention.

  5. Right-on Sister! I never found that silly show entertaining - I'd rather watch PBS Mystery or Hallmark Movies.

  6. Haha! Seniors Unite!!
    Recently I read that participants on The Bachelor have to pay all their own expenses. I was quite surprised. GM

  7. The only episode of The Bachelor I watched was in 2019. I was recuperating from surgery in the hospital and it was so fluffy and easy to watch. This version looks like it could be fun. Now I'm interested.


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