Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy 4th of July

                               July 4th is Independence Day...

                           What will you do to celebrate?  

I'll probably watch the fireworks from my balcony. My days to sit out in the night air and listen (and watch) the loud booms from fireworks exploding is over. I've seen a lot of it over the years... time to just sit back and relax and reflect.

picture made a couple years ago from my balcony

I did save this picture I took earlier this year of a flag hanging on the George Washington Bridge so I could use it for the 4th. That was ONE BIG flag!

I'm hoping that all of you have a very safe and happy 4th. God bless the USA


  1. Happy 4th of July, Latane. Here in Canada we celebrated on the 1st and enjoyed dinner with friends. We heard the fireworks, but couldn't see them. I've been reading back a few posts and I'm glad to hear that you are recovering from your surgery. I hope further treatment goes well.

  2. Happy and Blessed Fourth of July, my friend!

  3. Sitting on your balcony and watching the fireworks, maybe with a cold glass of something yummy. What could be a better way to celebrate the day? Granny M

  4. Beautiful flag shot!
    Happy Independence Day!

  5. We too, can watch the fireworks from our front porch. We live in the country, and so many set off their own fireworks. We are staying home for the holiday. Too many drunk drivers out there. The garden will keep us busy as well. Enjoy!

  6. Happy Independence Day! That bridge flag is spectacular, isn't it? The skeeters are so bad this year, I'll be watching fireworks on television, under the A/C.

  7. Happy 4th! I love the flag on the bridge!


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.