Monday, May 23, 2022

A New Favorite Read

 I really was disappointed in my last post. Tried to get two pictures side-by-side but they just wouldn't co-operate. Guess I need to do more planning for my posts. 

               I just finished reading Charles Martin's 'Chasin' Fireflies'. 

I'd read two of his already, both good reads, so I figured I'd enjoy this one. It puzzled me in the beginning but I finally figured out who was who.

You see, there are two characters whose stories are very similar but are from 2 different generations. The author is jumping back and forth and I guess my brain just wouldn't wrap around which I was reading about at that given moment. 

I stuck with it and suddenly it got so interesting and had a surprise ending. I love that kind of book. 

As I said, I had read two of his novels, 'Long Way Home' and 'When Crickets Cry' and enjoyed his style of writing, his ability as a storyteller so I just ordered me another one. I usually read on my kindle but I got me a paperback this time. Only $2 more than the Kindle version. I read so fast that I could never afford to buy books full price very often. And, where would I store them? 

Have any of you read Charles Martin? If so, I'd love to hear your experience in Charles Martin land! 


  1. No, I have not read any of Charles Martin's work, but you make me want to. Course, my clarity is not always great so I might not be able to figure it out.

  2. No I haven't but like Vee I would like to. I just heard from Kindle today that in August I will no longer be able to download the e-books since my Kindle is an old one. That is their way of trying to make me buy a new one. Bummer.

  3. I have not read and of Charles Martin but you have me interested:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I must look for this. I'll go now and search the library website. Thank you.

  5. I can't put 2 pictures together either. Maybe I had a how-to-make-a-graph-picture-thing??????

    Must look up his books!!!! They sound delightful.

    sort of remind me of one... "Dandelion Wine" I think was the name of it. It was old fashioned and 'down home,' kind of book. :-)

    Thank you for the reading suggestion!!!!


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