Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Taking Down The Christmas Tree

 You can't say that my family is 'normal'. Anytime Shirley collabrated with her Dad there was something funny, weird, outrageous going on. 

Take 1997. It's time to take down the Christmas tree so John (that's my son-in-law) opens up the window and he and my hubby, Elbert, cut the lower limbs off and toss them out the window.  

But.... I see a sparkle in Shirley's eye.... something's about to happen. And, this is what transpired. 

It was so funny and remains a favorite Christmas memory of mine to this day. 


  1. Aww, so funny:) Happy memories for you.

  2. Sweet! We shot round to my parent's 3rd floor flat one January to remove the tree from the balcony while they were out (we had a key). My father wanted to throw it down, but I knew their 'difficult' neighbours below would raise a terrible row with the resident's association and we wanted to spare my mother!

  3. That's hilarious! I'm so glad you got it on video, and precious memory!

  4. So funny and what a great memory that you were able to get on film!


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