Monday, December 2, 2024

Angels We Have Heard on High

 I'm sure we all have our favorite things that we drag out year after year before Christmas. I fell in love with my first paper mache angel and started to collect them. Everyone thought they'd help and I got a ton of angels of all sorts, shapes and sizes. Not really what I had in mind but I loved their thoughtfulness and effort. 

My first angel was bought at the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. She had on a regal gown of purple and a wreath of holly in her hair. I wrote the date inside her gown and where I bought her. 

I soon added one with a lovely pink gown all draped paper-mache. She seemed to be in prayer. 
Then I got a very elegant one, she wore a dark green top with flowing white skirts. 

I got rid of most of the 'extra' angels (no place to store them in this apartment) but I did hang on to a few.

One I had crocheted, years and years ago. I have no idea how old she is. 

I couldn't get rid of my musical angel, either. She's a favorite. I often turn her on to play a sweet Christmas tune as she turns around and around. 

and then there was a fad going around where everyone was making little angel ornaments out of ribbon. I was pretty 'crafty' minded for several years so of course, I joined in. Here are a couple I still have. 

What's your favorite Christmas collection? 

Day #2 of Blogmas 


  1. I have a small collection of Christmas angels that I haven't put up yet - they have all come to me as gifts from friends over the years. As I didn't buy any of them myself, I'm not even sure they really count as a "collection"! ;-)

  2. I like your angels! I have a collection of stained glass angels, but don't have a good place to put them anymore. I also made some of the ribbon ones.

  3. I have a small collection of angels. As you've said, if you let people know you are collecting you might land up with far more than you'd planned. And they might not be to your taste.


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