Tuesday, December 3, 2024

A Special Christmas Gift.

I've been participating in Blogmas. Never heard of it before but it looked like a fun thing to do. I really didn't know what it was so I googled it!! Don't we google everything these days! 

Blogmas is a seasonal blogging challenge. It occurs every December and bloggers use this time to commit to publishing new blog posts.

Some bloggers will try to publish one new blog post a day for the entire month of December, while other bloggers may commit to a smaller number of blog posts, like one every other day or one a week during December.

My Blogmas post for today concerns a tradition from my childhood. My aunt Lena was a teacher and she always saw to it that I got something 'educational' under the Christmas tree. When I was five, I got this large book. It was "Raggedy Ann in the golden Meadow". Beautiful, colorful pictures to look at. Later, when I learned to read it was a favorite of mine.

Guess what! I still have that book today, 85 years later! Think I'll drag it out and read it. Then I'll display it for the holidays. Sort of a Trip Down Memory Lane for me and a 'shout out' to the aunt who first taught me the importance of reading. 


  1. Wow you still have the book! How lovely it meant a lot to you.

  2. This is great! I love that you still have it!

  3. I love setting out those sentimental things! I have a stack of best-loved Christmas books in my bookcase as we speak, many from my kids' childhood.

  4. Amazing that you have that book to this day. And it looks in pretty good shape. GM

  5. What a cute book! I remember those - wish I'd kept some. Enjoying the blogmas posts!

  6. That's such a lovely, well preserved book. A treasure. I loved reading as a very young child. The first book I remember was a children's version of Heidi. Thanks for your posts.


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