Saturday, August 3, 2024

Setting Sail at Last

 I'm in a bragging mood this morning. What Mother doesn't love to brag on her kids!!! 

My son's passion is sailing. Back in the '80s he bought a 27' sailboat and spent many happy hours on it. Moved to a new location and the sailboat went, too. 

As the months go on, he's noticing this beautiful 35' sailboat at the pier near his... never been in the water! Months, then years go by... boat still sitting there. 

So, he and the owner start talking and seems the owner doesn't know how to sail. I bet you are asking yourself right now 'what the heck is he doing with a sailboat then?'  Seems he has this dream of sailing down the Tombigee River, around the coast of Florida and over to the Bahamas.... but the boat needs work and he still can't sail. 

Michael has retired by now, so he says he'll help him repair the boat. 

Long story short....

Owner says if Michael will help him repair the boat and take him on his longed for cruise to the Bahamas he'll make it worth his while. 

Eleven months, later the  boat, which had been pulled to my son's yard, was completely overhauled and yesterday it was transported back to the river. 

Now Michael will teach his buddy how to sail and when next seasons hurricanes are out of the way they'll take off on their adventure.

Michael has worked so hard, almost every day, making changes, painting, learning to work with fiberglass, making a new rudder and the work went on and on. They've completely redone that boat and she looks fabulous and Michael couldn't be happier.  


  1. Making a dream come true! I sure hope they both are able to make this trip a reality.

  2. What a feel-good story! I'm going to call them the "Dream Team."

  3. This is the best! I hope we get some reports and photos when they start sailing!

  4. That is a story worth writing about. Now of course we can't wait for part 2.

  5. Pure Joy, all around! Them, you and us lucky readers! Thanks for posting this. Dee

  6. That is quite an accomplishment. Look forward to the trip. Will you be tagging along?

  7. What a wonderful thing your son did! The boat looks great and I'm sure he'll teach his new friend sailing in no time. They will sure have a great time when they'll take off together.

  8. What a great story and such fun photos!

  9. Oh Wow! Michael and his neighbour both get to make their dreams come true. How great is that!!! (That boat looks very big but I suppose there's room to sleep? I know nothing about boats. I get seasick on a ferry :( )

  10. What an accomplishment and what an adventure it will be with they start sailing!

  11. It would have been interesting to see the before renovation pics because the after ones look fabulous! Great that Michael and his new friend were able to get it ready for this adventure. Bragging is permissible, Latane.

  12. Whoops, I just looked at the post again and noticed there is a “before” photo.😉

  13. Such an interesting story. It is amazing the neighbor had that boat for so long and never used it. Well, Michael came to the rescue and sounds like a friendship was born! Happy sailing to them both.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.