Monday, August 26, 2024

Women have it hard!

 The weather has been so nice. You almost could believe it was Fall but alas, it's warming back up again. Summer's not through with us. 

I have to tell you about a book I just finished. My first audio book. It was a BIG BOOK so I am glad I listened rather than read it. 

Kristin Hannah did it again! That author is an expert story-teller, she draws you in, makes you feel like you are right there on the page with the story line. And, this one was a horrible, gorey tale of a nurse in Vietnam and the struggles she had 'over there' and back home. 

I could not put it down... or turn it off (in the case of an audio book). 

Women have never had an easy time of making their way in this world. I could go into detail here but I think you know what I mean. They are the unsung heroes, the saviors of situations, people, causes. This book will take your breath away, break your heart, give you hope, believe in a happy ending. I highly recommend it.                                                                                          

After that emotional read, I decided to re-read the book I wrote and had published back in 2014. I never feel like I do a great job at anything, sufficient but not outstanding and I struggled with this book. It took a lot out of me. I am no Kristin Hannah, that's for sure!!

Every night I pick up my book "Springtime In Magnolia" and read a chapter before falling asleep. Since I hadn't even opened the cover in years, I am being pleasantly surprised that I am enjoying it. I must get back to writing! 

I continue to take pictures of practically everything I own so I can document them for my children. Just one of those things you don't want to leave to their imagination. 
Here's another thing or two I want to share with you. 

I was 17 when I left with my brand-new husband for our life clear across the country. I had never been away from my Mom and missed her. 

I'd been in Calif. for about 4 months when we found out that Elbert's ship was leaving for Korea. Back home I'd go... he wasn't about to leave his young wife alone so far from family.

I passed this little shop, went inside and saw this necklace. It was painted enamel with a circle of rhinestone around the painted center. I bought it and carried it back to Alabama as a gift for my Mother. The year - 1951

I love having things like this to remind me of the life I have lived! 
It's been quite a ride! 


  1. Hi Latane~ I just discovered your other blog! The one about flowers! That book looks so good! I love to read about people, their lives, the things they did and the experiences they had in their lives. I think biographies are fascinating. I'm going to check this one out for sure. I didn't realize you wrote a book. That's another one I will check out. What a good idea to take pictures to document your treasures, or just your belongings. Beautiful story about the pretty necklace. That's definitely a treasure. Hugs, Barb


  2. This is wonderful Latane! Such a great read, thank you :) That's a beautiful necklace.

  3. Thank you for the recommendation of a good book Latane. Love that necklace and particularly the story behind it.

  4. I've been 'on the fence' about that Kristen Hannah book, so appreciate your enthusiastic review! Now I'm curious about Springtime in Magnolia!

  5. I read The Women several months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it!
    The necklace is so pretty and I love the story behind it.

  6. I keep reading that everyone loves The Women, but I just don't know if I can put myself through it emotionally. Haha! I love the story about your necklace. I got married when I was a month shy of 25 and my husband was stationed in Texas. Four months later he was sent off to South Korea, so I went home to Mississippi and finished up my college education while he was gone.

  7. Little things can hold so many memories. Thank you for sharing the story of the necklace you bought for your mom. I keep thinking I want to take photos of the jewelry I have and document where it came from so that my children will know the stories, too.
    I enjoy Kristin Hannah's novels, but this one sounds a bit difficult.

  8. I read "The Women" and enjoyed it very much. Remembering what it was like in this country when Vietnam veterans came home, I can understand alot of what she went thru in the story. I don't read many books about the war but I am glad I read this one.

  9. It was nice to read the memories that the necklace evoked for you Latane and I'm sure there was sadness as well as happiness.


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