Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How To Become An Author!

                              Some of you didn't know I'd written a book... 

Hey, that's ok.  It's not a new book and it certainly DID NOT make the best seller list. hehe

I started writing a bit in high school and then I got married, had kids and well, you know how that goes! No time for Mommy, right?

After we moved from Alabama to Virginia, kids all grown. Heck, we had grown grandkids by then. Elbert had Alzheimers (mid- stages at that point) and I decided that maybe we needed to take a trip back to Bama to see family and friends, before we couldn't! I knew that time wasn't far off.

Oldest daughter Marie offered to go along and so we set out driving south.

Our overnight stop was in South Carolina. Everyone got settled in bed, the other two started softly snoring and there I lay.... wide awake!

A book started forming in my head. That book kept me awake just about all night. Come morning, the other two were ready to hit the road but I told them just to sit down... and wait... and they did....

           I wrote down notes on everything I had been thinking about all night. 

              And, that's how 'Springtime in Magnolia' got it's beginning. 

Here are some photos from that trip... I am always disappointed when blogs do not have pictures! So, here's something for you to look at. 

Elbert and Marie at a Cracker Barrel

Visiting my Sister

That book was a detour that was both a blessing and a 'pain in the ...'

 So proud that I did it. I have half of the sequel written. Wonder if I will ever finish it. 


  1. Good for you. Good luck with the sequel :-)

  2. I'm impressed! I enjoyed the photos too - nice to see your husband.

  3. That's such a neat beginning to your book. I do hope you are able to begin your sequel. Those rockers at Cracker Barrel are quite tempting to enjoy! Nice photos!

  4. That's so amazing how you thought it up when you couldn't sleep. And now you're on your way to a sequel!!

  5. Sweet post. I haven’t read the book, but the cover is lovely.

  6. Love your photos. I think that's how you know you have a God-given gift to write...the thoughts come to mind and you have to write them down. andrea

  7. Those are lovely photos Latane. I bet you are glad you have your book for the happy memories it brings to you. It was nice to see your husband and older daughter in the photos.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.