Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Guessing Game

                                                  Guess what I am doing?


            Nope, not that

                            Not that either

                                                You'll never guess. 

I am learning the names of as many countries as I can. 

You see, my grandson, Tighe, knows most of them and he loves to play a game called, what else...                                                                                   Countries. 

We played it in the car when his mom and he were bringing me back to Virginia from my visit with them. I have to admit... I wasn't too shabby! But, of course, he knew more than I did and I knew more than his Mom did. Each person playing takes turns naming a country. If you call one out that has already been used or is not a country. YOU LOSE..

So, I am preparing for the next battle of countries! I am gonna blow his socks off. I hope!

             Do you know how many countries there are in the world?

 There are 195 recognized countries on earth. 

                                                     I had no idea. 

 Guess I have a long way to go to even get a half of them.

How many can you call off, just off the top of your head? No fair cheating, now. Can't look them up. 

You just never know when you might run across someone who loves to play 'Countries' 


  1. This is a new one to me, but fun. I once did a list of the countries I'd visited and was amazed to see all of the countries in the world that I'd never heard of.

  2. This is so fun! I'm impressed by your grandson and I think this is a great way to make memories with him.

  3. This sounds like fun! 'Above my pay grade, but I think my son and DIL would do great.

  4. I doubt I'd do very well but I admire your efforts💗

  5. Sounds a good thing to do to keep your mind active and thats a lovely photo of you both.

  6. What a fun way to spend a car ride and also learn some new things, Latane. Also, a very nice photo of you and your grandson.

  7. I could use some brushing up on my countries. Sounds like fun. Can I play too?

  8. Your son (sailboat), and grandson, and all amazing! andrea

  9. Fun game!
    I high school, a history assignment was to count the number of countries in the world. It was one of the better homework assignmens.

  10. When I was young, back in the days before tv, we would play a similar game at night as a family. We had to name a country which started with the last letter of the country named before you.


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