Friday, September 22, 2023

Enlightening Moments

                                                         Lordy Mercy, where does time go? 

I've had some interesting and enlightning moments this week. 

1. For the first time since getting a walker (which I do not need except when I go out where the terrain might be difficult), I used it for my appt. with my surgeon. Oh, and btw, my walker is metallic hot pink.. thanks to my daughter. I told her I'd shoot her if she got me a hot pink walker. She's still alive!! And, I love the color. I am never at a loss for where it is! 

2. For the first time I used my brand new handicap placard! It made it so much easier for me to park in a more secure place and get where I needed to go without getting tired out. I fought getting a handicap placard... It was something 'old people' had to use. haha. Where did I get that idea? I am so happy I have it. 

3. I trust my surgeon 100% so when he suggested I 'tuck tail' and go back to see my oncologist I told him I would. I had quit my injection treatment for the HR2 positive. Long story and I won't bore you but if the surgeon says I should reconsider, then I will.

4. Went to a Health/Wellness workshop on Wed. I was already on the 'healthier lifestyle' kick anyway so that was helpful and encouraging. Here's my brunch plate this morning. 

a scrambled egg atop a bed of southwest blend of brown rice, quinoa, black beans, corn and Pabloma pepper. sliced tomato and sliced avocado. I squeezed lemon juice over it all. Yum.

5.It's been a rough year for me so I do sometimes get depressed and just want to crawl in a hole and let the world go by. But, I can't do that!! I have way too much left to do, to share, to enjoy. So, when I get in those moods I just have to crawl out of that hole and march forward. I know that I am not alone, that I have so many friends who are marching along on this journey with me. We gals gotta stick together.

6. And, as of today (Friday) I am preparing for a tropical storm to hit me. Haha. What next!!!! Well, I just gotta look at each thing, good or bad, as another adventure. So, the adventure aspect of this storm will be me trying to secure the items on my balcony so that they don't blow away. 

                                 Now for some fun stuff. 

I am counting down the days until Michael arrives. He'll be going on to Annapolis, Maryland to attend the boat show there. But... when he heads back home... guess what... I will be a passenger in his car heading south. I always enjoy visiting him so much and we got some plans already in the works. Will keep you posted it. 


  1. Hi Latane! Cute post! I'm glad you are using your walker and your handicap placecard, both are so helpful! Hot pink!! I'll bet you never misplace it... I'll bet it's beautiful! Good luck at the doctor, I hope everything is good. I sometimes get depressed as well, but it never does me any good, it's much better to just smile and move forward, no matter what that looks like. See you soon! Hugs, Barb

  2. Life has handed you lemons of late but you have been making lemonade with them! Good for you. Hope to unexpected problems arise this time and you get to go with Michael for a long visit.

  3. Latane, you certainly sound like you have things well in hand. We all know life has it 's ups and downs, but it helps to keep smiling (not always easy, but still good advice). Take care!

  4. Your pink walker sounds great!!!

  5. I think the hot pink walker sounds just right for you!
    Glad you are following instructions and what you wrote in #5 is absolutely correct!

  6. You will have some fun adventures with Michael, and that pink walker will be easy to find.

  7. Hi Latane, You are an inspiration to me! You have a wonderful outlook on life and that breakfast looks delicious:) If I ever need to get a walker, I think a hot pink one might be a good idea. It'd be different from most everyone else's walkers and wouldn't it be oh so fashionable? Ha!

  8. I hope you have a good upcoming trip and stay well! Sometimes we just have to pray for our doctors that they put us on the right path of care. I guess eventually the sun shines and good days are ahead, making new memories. Everyone gets "down in the dumps" at times....we are human. Hope you are weathering the tropical storm. We lost power for a couple of hours last night, but otherwise just wind gusts and periods of rain. Gets a little boring, but luckily no damage. andrea

  9. I am a 64 year old blogger and stumbled upon you in a comment on another blog. I am so happy I did! When I was having a severe knee issue for two years, I walked with a cane and decided if I must then I'd definitely get something fancy. So mine was Leopard! Leopard goes with everything, right? Shall be back to read more in the future. Glad I found you.

  10. I hope the storm isn't causing too much trouble. That pink walker must turn heads! Good for you for using it! I bet you're going to have a blast with Michael. Road trips are the best!

  11. Love the hot pink!! You never will lose it! lol
    My sister has a red one...Have fun with Michael!!
    Did you fare well with the storm?

  12. If I ever need a walker I'll choose to have a bright and cheery one too!
    A couple of years ago I finally convinced my DH to apply for a handicapped card, which he obtained. Then one day his truck was accidentally left unlocked overnight and guess what got taken? Yep, his handicapped card. Some idiot somewhere has it now. ( There's no way to convince DH to apply again.).
    Granny M


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