Monday, October 7, 2024

The First Goodbye


I wish I knew how many times I had kissed my husband goodbye as he headed off to sea in his Naval career. I might could figure it out but that would be work!! 

We'll say it was a bunch.

I was just thinking about that first time I saw Elbert off to sea. A new bride of 6 months and wouldn't you know it! The night before the ship left, Elbert had duty! 

Early one misty morning, Elbert and I stood on the pier, arms tight around each other, savoring every second we had together. I was determined I was not going to cry in front of him... and I remained dry eyed.... until that ship eased away from the pier, Elbert standing at the rail waving a last goodbye. Boy, did I let the tears fall then.

Back at the apartment, I packed up my belongings, went to the train station and headed back to Alabama and the comfort my family could give me. 

I was 17 years old, 3 months pregnant, alone oh so alone. 
But, that was the first of so many goodbyes. 

What I wouldn't give to see him sail off to sea once more! Those were sad,lonely moments of life but oh, the homecomings were beyond joy! 

He "set sail" his last time on Jan 3, 2011. 
The homecoming is going to be beyond joy! 

This is a picture of me made about that time. Back in Alabama!


  1. What a poignant memory. Good for both of you for his service.

  2. Sweet memories of a hard time. That is a lovely photo of you.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.