Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Good News on the Alzheimers front

 I just got my newsletter from AARP and was thrilled to see an article about Alzheimers. Seems they have a new blood test that has proved to be 90% effective in detecting Alzheimers. I know my children are thrilled about this, as am I.

Elbert (on the right with two of our children)

You see, their active, fun-loving, joke-telling Dad got Alzheimers. That was determined in 2001. He was 71 years old. 

We'd just moved to Virginia to be closer to our children and I had this vision of him and me just sitting on the porch holding hands, watching the sunset until we both were so old we had to pass on to another life. 

My vision which changed drastically

That vision became a nightmare. I cared for him for 10 1/2 years. He forgot who his family was, he tried to 'go home' more often than I want to admit. He thought he was still in the Navy and was AWOL because he wasn't on the ship. He fell so often I couldn't be out of his sight. 

He could still fit in his old uniform and he still knew how to salute. 2007

My children worried about getting Alzheimers, especially my son. So, this is great news .... that research is making great strides in detecting it. Now, if they could just figure out how to cure it! 

2009 just over one year before he was gone. 


  1. This is wonderful news! My father passed of Vascular Dementia, and my mother is fighting the evil of Alzheimers. Your love and compassion for your dear husband is lovely, my friend.

  2. Sad to read about your husband, such a cruel disease, so good to hear progress on its detection.

  3. I'm sorry to read about the devastating effects of Alzheimers in your family. What a wonderful wife and caregiver you were to him. I'm sure it was exceptionally difficult.

  4. I worry more about Alzheimer's than cancer or heart disease. I'm sorry to hear about your beloved. It's a terrible disease.

  5. I'm a nurse who worked in long term care and currently work in a geriatric office. Being a care giver for someone with this disease is so hard and I give you huge credit for doing that.
    Yes, good news on detection of it.

  6. oh this is such great news!! in the last picture, the way you are looking at him, so much love!!

  7. I remember first coming across your blog when your husband was going through Alzheimer's. I greatly admired how well you cared for him during those years. I know it couldn't have been easy. After my mom passed away from it, my sister and I talked constantly about what we might do to keep it from happening to us. It is good to see that they are making some strides with it, but, like you, I wish a cure could be found.

  8. I love your post, very upbeat. That cake looks so decadent, yum.

  9. That last photo Latane, so dear. This is a very cruel disease. I'm very sorry for your loss and what you went through, but you're right, this is great news about the blood test, especially if it can put your children's minds at ease. I pray that they come up with a cure one day soon.

  10. It is such a cruel disease because of the memories it robs from those afflicted and from those they love. The news about this blood test should ease many people’s minds in your family and for others.


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