Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dancing to a SLOW tune these days!!

I'll swear, I don't know what's to become of me!!

There's so much I want to do and my energy level has reached it's 'Best if used by' date. 

I have been cleaning and organizing my office closet the last few days. 

What! it takes days...

I remember when I  could whip that chore out in a couple hours. 

Anyway, this body of mine is slowing down. Guess it's about time! 

I played Bingo Saturday afternoon. We residents are thrilled that Bingo is back on the schedule. We've played twice now and I didn't win either time. I should pout... but I won't. I'm too happy having fun. 

On Sunday we met to say goodbye to two of our resident/friends. We had the biggest array of desserts you ever saw. 

Lisa's husband and his best friend bet her ten dollars each that she couldn't bake a 12 layer cake for the event. She did and it was quite the show-piece. She donated her bet winnings to the two that were departing. 

It's turned off cold again here, if you can believe that! The temps got low enough last night to just about have a freeze warning. I brought my plants inside so they'd be safe! 

I need to catch up on checking out all of your blogs. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!! 



  1. You are so funny. lol Best if used by date! I'm sluggish too and I'm younger. You are wonderful, so cheerful and you always look so nice and pretty. You give us all incentive to live each day to the fullest. andrea

  2. Oh my look at that cake! Wow! Sounds like you are having the time of your life, as well as organizing. I am so frustrated with this fractured foot. I was on a roll with the flower beds, and now I'm forced to do otherwise. Keep having fun!

  3. It's been frosty here in the morning too!
    That cake is incredible. She did good.
    Glad Bingo is back!

  4. That's a massive cake! Good for your friend at winning the bet. You sound like you are keeping up with things, even though it takes longer to do them. Have a great day!

  5. That was some cake!!! I can't get a 3 layer cake to slice and hold together let alone a 12 layer one.
    Love the selfies from your last post.

  6. Haven’t played Bingo for years. I wouldn't mind joining in the fun. Always happy to find an alternative to housework.

  7. Oh my gosh but that cake is amazing! All those layers of cake and it isn't leaning:) You have plenty of energy for the fun things LaTane. Ha! My sad excuse that it takes days and sometimes years to start/finish certain things is procrastination:(

  8. You are still awesome in so many ways - I take forever to clean out areas now too so don't feel bad, it comes with the territory........and the number of candles on our cakes! Speaking of which, never seen such a tall one!!!
    Mary x


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