Thursday, July 29, 2021

Black-eyed Peas or Chickpeas?

 A couple days ago I was riding along (in the back seat) and asked my two companions a question. I dang near got into trouble about it, too.

Shirley and Chris are both excellent cooks so I asked them 'What's the difference between black eyed peas and chickpeas?"

They both start in on all this discussion about the difference between the two kinds of peas and how each of them can be used in certain recipes. 

I kind of chuckled and said, 'Well, The Black Eyed Peas can sing a song. The chickpeas can only hummus one."

I thought those two were going to eject me from my back seat and leave me on the side of the road. I thought it was funny!! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Are You A Worry-wart?

                                                         Are you a worry-wart?

Some folks are just born that way, others let it become a way of life. They just don't seem to be happy unless they are worrying about something.

                                                       Live is too short for that!

Worrying seldom solves problems. It causes us to lose sleep, have stress, saps our energy. For What?

                                          Each day is a day you'll never have again.

                                                         Make the most of it. 

If you are worried about something and you have a solution.... FIX IT... and then move on. 

If you don't know how to fix it, give it to the Man upstairs. 

I was thankfully married to a man who was always happy, calm, he never seemed to worry... and he was the most content person I've ever known. He was always jovial, laughing, whistling. He was a joy to be around. He just loved LIFE.

                                    I think there's a lesson to be learned by him. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

What Next!!

 I've been seeing a lot of a man lately. Think maybe if this keeps up we should get married!!

                                                              Okay, I'm kidding. 

                 Seems I can't stay out of the dentist office lately. Yesterday was a real 'trip'.

My dentist determined that one of my teeth needed a root canal. So, daughter Shirley picked me up and we drove over to the endondoist. 

They took me back, did this ct type scan (I'd never had that done on teeth before) and lo and behold.

                                                        Dr. C. said they couldn't do a root canal. 

                                                                 I am going to lose that tooth.                                       

You see, my regular dentist pulled a tooth about 3 weeks ago and now I have to have another one pulled. Dang, if they keep this up, I am not going to be able to chew! 

Dr. C. had quite a number of ex-rays made and so help me, they found an abcess on a back tooth. So, it will have a root canal coming up after I get that other one pulled. 

                                        Are you all keeping up with me? Got it straight? 

                                        I don't, so maybe you can help me out there!! 😏

          Hey, if the dentist and I get married maybe I can get my dental work FREE. 



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"Old Lives Matter"

 It's been sneaking up on me, little by little and I finally recognized what it was. 

I have gotten to the age that I need (no, I require) that things are uncomplicated so that I can handle them. 

Seems that I can't multi-task or get myself out of pickles or figure out nine different ways to do something at one time. 

                                                    It just ain't gonna happen!! 

I guess that's alright. I am not in a hurry to go anywhere. I don't have meals to cook for a bunch of people, I drive only when I know the traffic is light, I take my time and keep it simple.

                                        Of course, there are times I can't do that!

You know... like when you have to call a company and they give you a dozen steps to follow... push this number, now chose that one, please hold (and you hold for half an hour and they come back on and tell you to push more buttons)  and pretty soon you are so flustered you just want to scream. Least, that's me. 

I don't like flying anymore. Sure it's easier than driving but they've complicated things, put in kiosks to check in... make you take your stuff off and put it in a basket. (Hey, guy, anybody gonna steal that why you folks are patting me down?), and the long lines, the crowded seating. How about making it more simple for us oldsters. 

I don't know about you but I am convinced that this world is run by a bunch of teenagers (the kind that could work a laptop at age 2) and they have no clue that there is anyone out there older than 30. 

                                                                                      I say, 

                                          "OLD LIVES MATTER!"

Friday, July 16, 2021

Salad for Supper

 I found this recipe somewhere... I don't ever keep up with where I get stuff, do you?

So, I called Instacart to order the ingredients. They always deliver right away so I had the ingredients I needed. When suppertime came, I got busy in the kitchen and here's what I made.

Yummy looking, right?
Well, it was. 

The recipe made salad for 6. It's just me I have to fix for so I do the best I can figuring out how much of what to put in any dish. I never was good at math so you can imagine.

I made a couple changes. 
I did not use the nectarine as I felt that would make the salad too big.
I substituted the persian cucumber with a mini cucumber.
And, I sprinkled some chopped walnuts over the top.
Now, that was some good eating.

Here's the recipe if you want to try it!

Let me know how it turns out.... if you decide to make it. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Baby Goats Come To Visit

 I went down for our 'coffee get-together' this morning. We are still are not back in our 'community' room as they can not get workers to help complete the renovations. People just are sitting back enjoying those unemployment checks and stimulus checks and won't work. Businesses are hurting badly. The contractors in charge of our renovations can't find anyone that is willing to pick up a hammer, a saw, a glue gun, or electrical wire. It's hot out in the entry-breezeway and it certainly would be nice to be inside with some air-conditioning going. 

Anyway, to get back to what I started to tell you. We meet every Tuesday morning for coffee and goodies. 

We were chatting and munching on all sorts of sweets when a woman comes into our breezeway and she is carrying
two little pygmy baby goats!! 

We had a time with those adorable little things. They were scared to begin with, first time to be away from their mother but soon they were enjoying the attention as much as we were enjoying giving it. 

I hope we get more surprises during coffee. A kitten would be nice, a puppy maybe but I'm not into
snakes or lizards or any cold-blooded anything! 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Where Have All The Manners Gone"

 I surprised myself!

That just wasn't me but however I let something really bug me yesterday. 

Was it because 

1. I have less patience for negative thoughts and feelings as I get older?

2. Am I so used to being alone (during this pandemic) that I feel less comfortable around a lot of people?

3. That people in general are much more rude in this day and age?

4. Or have I just become that grouchy old lady I was so afraid of becoming?

What happened was (and this has happened before just recently) that a group of us met in the courtyard to hear a concert. And, I couldn't enjoy the music because of all the talking going on around me. 

The woman sitting next to me asked me, 'What did he say?" and I answered "I have no idea. I couldn't hear him for all the talking going on".

Well, the two women standing just 3-4 feet from me and who was talking overheard me and one turned around and said, 'You should have told us to shut up."

And, by golly, that's what I did!! I told her to shut up.

It just erked me to no end that people are so rude as to talk with a concert is going on. I know, I should have just gotten up and left which I did at another concert when two women were sitting next to me carrying on a conversation. Where have manners gone? 

Okay, got that off my chest! 😁

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

UFOs, Tooth Extractions and Storms... oh MY!!!

 I don't know where to begin. So much going on....

My 4th of July was quiet until it got dark. Then the fireworks started in Downtown Suffolk. I can see from my balcony the really tall ones popping over the tree tops. But, something else caught my eye!

There was this light... was it a plane? No, too slow for a plane and I'd never seen the flashing light pattern this one displayed. All of a sudden it came to a complete halt... and just sat there suspended in the air for about a minute and a half. What the ... well, you know! 

All of a sudden it started a downward fall and I am thinking.. if that's a plane it's gonna crash. It was way up in the sky, just this tiny light. Then, it took off in another direction, stopped again.. 

I was so convinced that it was a UFO... 

But, a call to my daughter quickly shot that theory down. She says it was a drone. Well, ok. But, I still think it was a UFO... it's more exciting that way.

On last Friday I had a tooth extraction.

Now, that's more excitement than I bargained for!!

But, it's healing nicely, still hurts but I'll be good as new soon. 

I got an itch this morning I just had to scratch.

No, not that kind of itch. I decided to clean and organize my closet. 

You won't believe how great it looks now. Lucky for me, my daughter Shirley came by and boy, did I put her to work!

She reached places I could not, like that top shelf in my closet. She pinned up pants legs for me to hem. She arranged some dried heather in a vase for me and 're-did' another vase I had in my living room. She brought us lunch. 

By this time I had collected a huge pile of 'give aways' and by the time she dragged all that out of my apartment door I was pooped. 

So grateful always for love and help from my kiddos.

Tomorrow we are supposed to get the effects of this latest storm... what's it's name!! It's going right up the east coast and that's where I am so more rain, wind and watch out for tornadoes.