I don't know where to begin. So much going on....My 4th of July was quiet until it got dark. Then the fireworks started in Downtown Suffolk. I can see from my balcony the really tall ones popping over the tree tops. But, something else caught my eye!
There was this light... was it a plane? No, too slow for a plane and I'd never seen the flashing light pattern this one displayed. All of a sudden it came to a complete halt... and just sat there suspended in the air for about a minute and a half. What the ... well, you know!
All of a sudden it started a downward fall and I am thinking.. if that's a plane it's gonna crash. It was way up in the sky, just this tiny light. Then, it took off in another direction, stopped again..
I was so convinced that it was a UFO...
But, a call to my daughter quickly shot that theory down. She says it was a drone. Well, ok. But, I still think it was a UFO... it's more exciting that way.
On last Friday I had a tooth extraction.
Now, that's more excitement than I bargained for!!
But, it's healing nicely, still hurts but I'll be good as new soon.
I got an itch this morning I just had to scratch.
No, not that kind of itch. I decided to clean and organize my closet.
You won't believe how great it looks now. Lucky for me, my daughter Shirley came by and boy, did I put her to work!
She reached places I could not, like that top shelf in my closet. She pinned up pants legs for me to hem. She arranged some dried heather in a vase for me and 're-did' another vase I had in my living room. She brought us lunch.
By this time I had collected a huge pile of 'give aways' and by the time she dragged all that out of my apartment door I was pooped.
So grateful always for love and help from my kiddos.
Tomorrow we are supposed to get the effects of this latest storm... what's it's name!! It's going right up the east coast and that's where I am so more rain, wind and watch out for tornadoes.