Friday, November 15, 2024

This growing old is not for sissies!


This growing old is not for sissies! 

Or so they say. Usually I am pretty much in charge of my direction and destination in this journey through my 90s. But, last weekend I dug a hole and crawled into it.

I do not like cold weather. I'm miserable enough here in Virginia but I told Susan I'd come up to their place in New York for Christmas. Then, I started thinking about all the chances I would be taking...

1. Traveling through crowded airports exposing myself to god only knows what kind of germs

2. Sitting in a plane with recycled air with those germs flying around and around. I'd be sure to snag more than one and end up sick.

3. Slipping on ice and breaking my hip

4. Having tummy issues with all the different kinds of foods I'd be eating.

5. And no telling how bad the traveling crowds will be during the holidays, or how often a flight will be delayed or cancelled. I don't think I could handle that. 

I mean, the more I thought, the more depressed I got. If I was younger, there would be no doubt that I'd be there in a heartbeat. I wanted to be there, Susan wanted me there and that was our hearts talking. In the other ear, my head was saying 'Girl, are you stupid or what?' 

A chat with Susan on Tuesday lifted me outta that hole, and hey, I am fine now. Maybe i'll go up to see them in the spring. 

I think as we age, we let fears rule us more than when we were younger. What's your take on that? I guess I am talking to the older ones of my blogfriends. You younger girls.. hang around, if you are lucky, old age will hit you one of these days. 

To lighten the mood


  1. Gosh, I can so relate to each of these "what-if's"! We had to travel up to Alex City this morning and between the logging trucks and twisty, hilly 2-way road I was white-knuckling that steering wheel. So silly, I well remember before all the interstates we'd criss-cross the country in the roads with no worries. Not even a seat belt.

  2. I always worry about WW3, grid down, EMP attack, solar flare, catastrophic earthquakes. There is a lot of security that can be had by having one's preps in order.

  3. Oh yes, I am a senior too. Challenges come up often don't they? As we age guess what, well, my friend died suddenly on Sunday. Our circle of friends gets smaller. You are bold to think of flying to New York in spring, I admire that. I thank God every day for my many blessings.

    1. I am so sorry you lost a friend.
      My friends started dieing in my fifties.
      I'm down to my last two and they live in other states.
      I'm in my sixties and I don't even want to drive at night!
      With all the crazy people running lose nowadays, I am always worried just going to a mall!

  4. I think you are very wise Latane. The last few years every time I got on a plane I got sick during my holiday or afterwards. And now I am getting mobility issues so I am having to rethink everything. Spring sounds like a great idea.

  5. You do what you need to do. Spring sounds lovely! 🌸🌹

  6. Oh yes, I think fears and good old common sense keep us from risky behaviour we wouldn't have thought twice about when we were young.
    The Christmas season often sees storms with cancelled flights and cars stuck on the freeway in snow. I'm thankful just to stay home. GM

  7. Everything becomes an ENORMOUS and EPIC journey as we get older and our fears can creep in and reduce our world... sometimes the right thing is to face them down and other times the right thing is to listen and accept the truth in them...

  8. So true and sometimes the what ifs never happen, so all that worry for nothing but we still worry!

  9. One of my cousins told me once. You can talk yourself into or out of anything. But given the circumstances, I think you did the right thing. Spring sounds ike a better idea!!

  10. I also agree that as we age we become more (I want to say 'cautious' rather than 'fearful')... but I think it's justified. Not that we should stay home and do nothing, but we should plan - taking the necessary precautions that weren't so necessary when we were younger. Spring sounds like a better idea to me also.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.