Thursday, March 20, 2025

Happy Spring

I guess you can tell that I am one happy girl that today is the first day of Spring!!

I am realistic enough, though, to know that it won't  all be sunshine and daffodils. Chilly weather isn't gone yet. 

Wishing each of you a wonderful season of joy and color. 



  1. Yes...the calendar needs to pay attention!

  2. Happy Spring! It's snowing here, but I know that's coming to an end soon,

  3. Florida is beautiful almost 365 days...I do miss the snowy days of snuggling in...sometimes...however, I do maintain that maybe it is healthier to live where we can get out every day...I enjoy your blog SO SO SO much...Brenda

  4. Yes, Spring is here but like you said, the chilly weather is still around too. But still, knowing Spring is here gives me a happy feeling, especially when the sun is out. I hope you have a wonderful Spring day today!

  5. Today is a rainy first day of Spring here in Nashua, NH, and it will continue on Friday, but we should be getting sunshine by the weekend. As you said, it won't be all blooming flowers just yet...but in time. Happy Spring to you, Latane.

  6. happy spring to you!! i love winter but i did not receive from it the things i wanted!! no snow, no snowman, no snowball fight and no snow angel. so begone winter and welcome spring...i am looking forward to all your gifts!!

  7. Central Texas...40's and 50' at night and maybe 60 daytime, right now.

  8. The weather in Austin has been so beautiful. Yesterday the wind died down and it was like every tree here woke up and started leafing out. I love it.

  9. Oh autumn is just beginning here and the days are all over the place. Happy spring.

  10. Happy Spring to you too💚💚💚💚


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