Friday, January 17, 2025

Lost, not found

                                        Update on Lost Shoe Saga!

                                             It's still lost!

There have been 4 different people that have given this place a good search. No shoe! This is weird. Gee, I hope I don't just disappear into thin air like that shoe did! 

We still have a tad of snow in shady areas from the snow that we had a week ago. And, it's supposed to be bitterly cold next week! Guess it won't melt then either! 

We had a safety meeting the other day given by the police department. That was very informative. I learned some new things to implement and be on the lookout for. I certainly will be watching out for 'Mr. Right' to call me with promises of undying love..... if I will just send him some money! haha

My daughter called the other day. We exchanged greetings and she headed off on a report of all she had been doing lately. Twenty minutes into it, she said, 'Well, I just called to check on you.' then said goodbye. So, if I answer the phone that means I am still alive and she's good to go? I just laughed and laughed. 


  1. I had to smile at your daughter's call! I've found the quickest way to find a lost something is to splash out on a replacement...

  2. Crazy about that shoe! Kirsten is right - if you replace it, it'll show up!
    I laughed about your daughters call.

  3. Your daughter's call is very familiar.


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