Sunday, August 13, 2023

It's HOT, folks!!

                                                       Man... it's hot out there!!

Heat index around 108 today! 

I'm definately staying indoors where the air conditioning is running non-stop. 

Going down for a cookout a little later on 

but they will have it indoors! 

Somebody's smart! 

How's the temp where you are? 


  1. That is too hot! It's very comfortable here today, 74 degrees right now.
    Keep cool!

  2. The forecast for this afternoon and in fact the upcoming week is in the nineties. Not as hot as what you are experiencing but still too hot for comfort. I'll be drinking lots of my Mint water. I'm so glad I discovered a way that I can actually drink water., I have 4 different kinds of mint but I can't tell the difference in the taste of the water. GM

  3. Wow that is hot. Temps here today in the low 70's.

  4. Florida Gulf Coast…hottest summer I have remembered.

  5. About the same in Arizona but it's a dry heat and we're used to it! Ha! Stay cool and hope the cookout is fun!

  6. Today, August 14th is a cool day here but the hot weather will return throughout the week and next week is forecasted into the 90s and 100s. Ugh!

  7. It's been hot here in Kentucky and today heavy rain. The weather has been so strange. Stay cool!

  8. Thank God for a lower temp! Suppose to be 96* here today...It's been triple digits here for weeks!!


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