Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My Going-Away Box

Well, I up and did it!  I opened my mouth when I should have kept it shut! 😐

I'd just read a book written by a hospice nurse so when I ran into a couple of residents chatting about dying my interest was peaked. And, I ended up offering to conduct a meeting about 'That Next Step' that we all will take one of these days.

It was on Monday night, a small crowd. I already knew quite a bit and I had spent a couple weeks researching online for more information. The meeting lasted an hour and a half and I was complimented and thanked afterwards. I had given them something to think about, new things to set into motion. 

                And, I had taken my 'Going Away' file box to show them. 

This box holds all my original certificates, notes on my wishes for, say, my funeral, my care before I die. There's a handwritten letter to each of my children that they can open after I am gone. Even the passwords to my online accounts. My will, Durable Power of Attorney, Medical Attorney and Advance Directive (Living Will) are all in there, as well. 

And, my children won't have the heart-breaking task of trying to find where I stashed stuff. It's all in one place. 

I felt really good about what I had done, maybe the little help I had given others. I've always been involved in organizations and clubs who have a purpose, who lend a helping hand'. So, it was pretty neat putting 'that hat' back on for a brief period of time.

Do you have your affairs in order? I am talking to you younger gals, too. We are not promised tomorrow. Anything can happen. 

I can't imagine a loved one scrambling around in the back of a closet, looking for an old shoebox that might have the house deed in it, or your cemetery plot deed. And, to make decisions instead of you having done that for your children already! 

What a gift. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Fun On The Farm


After 22+ years in the Navy, my husband retired and we headed back to Alabama from 'whence we came'. We had 60 acres, part of it flat, part of it hilly and a creek ran through the corner of it. 
Perfect place for the kids to grow up and learn about nature, country-living, how to survive.

Michael was 12, Shirley 13 and the youngest, Susan was 6.

What a time we had, learning how to be country folk after years of moving around from city to city during our Navy stint. It was exciting but man, was it challenging!

When we had some 'down' time we'd head to the creek. Most of the time the kids would play on a large flat rock that was there. They built a dam across the creek and set leaf 'boats' sailing down the water. Then they would try to sink them by bombing the boats with pebbles.

Sometimes Elbert would fish. He never caught much but he was having fun. Me? I would just sit on the bank and watch my family having the time of their lives. 

We'd go for hikes in the woods and pick wild blueberries which I carried home in a large cowcumber leaf that I had pinned into a bowl using thorns. 

We'd find maypops, trillium and wild iris blooming near the bluff. Yes, there was a bluff by the creek and the kids loved exploring that. 

We left that land in 1999, having lived there for 30 years. The kids were all grown with children of their own.  We'd taken the grandkids on hikes in those same woods and they played in the creek. It was time for a new adventure.

What memories we made in Blackwater Creek on our farm.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Behold, a feast!

                             What a day Friday was!! 

As I have said before, our new staff is unbelievable, doing so much for us, getting things fixed and making plans for the future.

Ashley, our new project manager! 

As a sort of 'We're here for you' sort of appreciation morning, they served us breakfast yesterday morning.

They Thanked Us! It's the other way around

 Everything was decorated so beautifully and I have never in all my life seen a spread like they put out.

 All I could think of that was missing was one thing I really love and that's southern country 'thickened' gravy. But, there were fruit trays, cheese trays, mini chicken biscuits, 3 kinds of meat, a big pot of grits, scrambled eggs, waffles and syrup, bagels and several kinds of sweet rolls. They truly outdid themselves!! But, I'm not complaining and I didn't hear anyone else doing so either. 

A few of the younger, more capable residents pitched in to get it all ready. 

Everyone had a lot of fun and if anyone left there hungry then I am sorry, it was there for the taking! 

Oh, and I failed to mention that the refreshment table held carafes of 3 kinds of juice, lemonade and there were mini sodas on ice. Good lordy, How did we get so lucky to get such a wonderful crew. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Great Day

 I was so proud of myself yesterday. It was a lovely day, cooler, sunny sky and I felt great. As every 2nd Wednesday happens around here, we had our muffin morning. Shirley bakes and brings down dozens of muffins and residents are invited to join in. We love the muffins, love Shirley doing that for us and we have fun. 

Following that, our group that plans activities had a meeting. 
We used to plan everything, got little help from the staff, was told over and over that what we wanted to do wasn't in the budget so often we planned our own events and footed the bill ourself.

Things have changed big time around here. New staff, so helpful. Oh, but I am getting away from how my day went yesterday. Sorry, my mind does go floating in all directions some times. 

The meeting went well, enough so that we can see that there's little for us to plan. The staff is doing a fantastic job. 

Usually Shirley and I go to lunch after the meeting but she and her hubby headed for an over-nighter at the beach so I went home and waited for my hair appointment.

I have to say, the hair dresser did a great job this go-around. So, that lifted my spirits even higher. Then I did something I'd never done before. Now, y'all are gonna laugh at me... but I'd never taken my car through the car wash by myself. 

And, I did it. Oh gosh, so easy. I'll never have a dirty car again... ever! 

On to Bojangles to pick up some chicken for my supper and then made a quick stop at Dollar Tree for a few items. 

That's a lot for this 90 year old. Like I say I was so proud of myself.

Well, I got home and sat down to rest and that chicken was sitting within arms reach and before I knew what was happening, I was into that box, munching away on a drumstick. Oh, man, it was good. It was only 4:30 but I devoured those 2 pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes and a biscuit. Hey, I'm the boss around here. I'll eat at 4:30 if I want to so I did. 

picture from google

The staff is giving us residents breakfast in the morning. I took a peek inside at the set-up and everything is decorated so beautifully. I will be sure to send out a post on that later on. 
Have a good one!

Monday, October 7, 2024

The First Goodbye


I wish I knew how many times I had kissed my husband goodbye as he headed off to sea in his Naval career. I might could figure it out but that would be work!! 

We'll say it was a bunch.

I was just thinking about that first time I saw Elbert off to sea. A new bride of 6 months and wouldn't you know it! The night before the ship left, Elbert had duty! 

Early one misty morning, Elbert and I stood on the pier, arms tight around each other, savoring every second we had together. I was determined I was not going to cry in front of him... and I remained dry eyed.... until that ship eased away from the pier, Elbert standing at the rail waving a last goodbye. Boy, did I let the tears fall then.

Back at the apartment, I packed up my belongings, went to the train station and headed back to Alabama and the comfort my family could give me. 

I was 17 years old, 3 months pregnant, alone oh so alone. 
But, that was the first of so many goodbyes. 

What I wouldn't give to see him sail off to sea once more! Those were sad,lonely moments of life but oh, the homecomings were beyond joy! 

He "set sail" his last time on Jan 3, 2011. 
The homecoming is going to be beyond joy! 

This is a picture of me made about that time. Back in Alabama!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

My Heart is Heavy


This Sunday morning I want to take time to send my love, prayers and support to all those people affected by Hurricane Helene

We have hurricanes... we expect damage on the coast... but never, in a million years did we expect the devastation a hurricane caused in the mountains of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia. They certainly never thought something like that would take their lives, their homes, their way of life. Floods of that nature just don't happen high in the mountains. 

I am heartbroken by all the images flooding the tv, internet etc. It really is beyond my comprehension. A lot of families lost loved ones and no amount of words or comfort can heal the hole in their hearts. 

I probably have acquaintances affected by this storm. There are ones I wonder about. I do know that my niece living in Greene County, Tennessee posted she was so thankful to be able to go to a relatives house to get a shower and wash her hair. Her home was not damaged but the entire county has no  water. 

Things like entire highways being impassable, I40 shut down and will be for years probably. The Blue-Ridge Parkway closed in definately. Oh how beautiful a drive that was! The Appalahian Trail damaged so badly it will take years to recover. Hearing that made me wonder if hikers were lost. That Trail always has hikers on it. 

So, let us all be thankful for the souls saved, hold in our hearts those who lost their lives and do what we can to help out.